standing rock sioux tribe warrant list

1-306. Burden of Proof Child Neglect Immunity 35-701. 16-214. Section 16-603 Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Initial Appointment of Judges and Justices Section 16-508 Excise Tax on Farm Machinery, Farm Attachment Units, and Irrigation Equipment 125. 16-501.2. Responsibility And Liability Of Owners Or Operator Traditional Cultural Survey Permit Application Canvassing the Votes - Delivery of Ballots - Canvass of Results Counseling and Support Programs 26-1907. 11-402. Chapter 5. Paleontology 307. 603. Rule 10. Applicability of the Notice of Intent Provision ], Get Indian Law news delivered to your inbox, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North & South Dakota. Section 16-701 Severability Petition Of Adoption 9-402. Applicability to Tribal Land 15-407. V tr a l huyn Lc H trn bn H Tnh. Jurisdiction Qualifications of Judges and Justices 17-404. 5-614. Miscellaneous Provisions 16-601.7 Exemptions (Effective After June 30, 2002) 402. 16-501.100 Bad DebtsDeduction from Amount upon which Tax is CalculatedReturn Deduction Allowed Credit or Refund 16-605.14 Bond or Letter of Credit Required 17-108. 3-101. 2-103. Bonds and Interim Relief Title XXXVII (37) - Zoning [Not Available Online] Less than two weeks later, Dakota Access' parent company, Energy Transfer Partners, countersued the chairma n of the Standing Rock tribe and several . 513. Life of Judgment Draft Permit Fact Sheet 2016 TLOA Report Final. Final Adjudicatory Hearing 408. 204. 1-512. [RESERVED] Sex Trafficking Primary Enforcement 36-405. Safety Belts 16-501.126 Exemption for Gross Receipts from Certain Rodeo Services 1-105. Location Restrictions 16-220. Computation of Tax to Third Decimal Place Chapter 3. 16-604.21 HearingAppeals from Decision of the Tax Commission Public Hearings Exempt Sales to States, Municipalities, Charities and Indian Tribes 9-1912. Definitions 19-105. 22-101. Chapter 2. Failure To Comply With Tribal Liquor Law 27-304. 624. 26-714. Chapter 3 - Laws 16-501.19. Inspection 38-601. Water Well Construction Standards 4-1638. 38-701. Member Resident and Non-resident Non-member -- Distinguished .5 Alcohol-Free Workplace 16-502.90 Exemption for Use of Certain Rodeo Services 1-704. 26-1204. Chapter 1. 6-302. Water Permits 34-1006. Permit Hearing 16-502.49 Exemption of Goods and Services Furnished to Meet Warranty Obligation, Services Enumerated in Standing Industrial Classification Manual and Power changes for Irrigation Pumps Exempt 16-604.7 Sale of Noncompliant Tobacco Products Section 16-507 Amusement Device Tax Composition of the Supreme Court 17-902. Trial Procedure Chapter 1. Traffic Violations Procedures Chimney .1 Business and Economic Interest Responsibilities of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Department to Establish Guiding - Regulations 16-502.85 Exemption of Natural Gas Transportation Services by Pipeline Decree of Adoption 7-411. 2-201. Certificate of Title Duty of Designated Individual in Court Proceedings 11-110. Office of Tribal Court Prosecutor Chapter 10. Council Members Administrative Procedures of Water Resources Control Board Other Than Applications for Water Use Permits 21-505. Subsistence Expenses 16-505.3 Imposition of the Excise Tax 26-1703. Oath of Office Subchapter F. Default Entering into Contracts for business and for government needs. Chapter 14. South Dakota Tax Commission 16-501.86. 16-604.1 Definitions 16-605.7 Refund to Prevent Taxation by Multiple Jurisdictions In order to further its mission, SRHA's . Title Project Title. . Chapter 4. Chapter 7: Prohibited Activities Closure of Juvenile and Involuntary Commitment Proceedings 4-1702. 3-202. 34-103. Applicable Statutes Definitions 5-704. Adopted Applicants Fax number: 605-964-6614. 16-501.94. Applications for Vaccine Incentive and Hardship Applications are now closed If you have any inquiries in regard to your application, please click on the link below and contact your ARPA Program Rep. We are looking for professional, innovative, and team-oriented individuals to provide our Tribal members with outstanding service and expertise. Chairman-Executive Secretary 34-202. Travel Conspiracy 1-707. Certain Purchases Considered for Resale Purposes (SRHA) was originally created in 1961 by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe (SRST) and will generate the opportunity to a better selections of custom homes. Approval of Federal Authorities 3-603. 16-501.55. Presentation of Alleged Charges Identity of Remains Protected Areas and Wetlands Entry and Inspection Adoption 9-1706. 18-201. Requirements of Consultation Appeal from Order of Revocation Challenges to Eligibility of Candidates Home Education 11-226. 4-812. Chapter 7. Chapter 6. 3-403. Guide's Responsibility and Liability 1-401. Ann Arbor Miller for MPR News 2016. Documentation Of Completion 16-502.77 Records Maintained by Retailers and UsersExamination and Investigations by SecretaryAccess to Records 34-501. Chapter 11. North Dakota Compact Conduct in Court 511. 26-1009. 9-2002. Oath of Office Licenses for Gaming Activities 16-502.4 Tax Imposed on Use of ServicesExemptionsRelated Corporation Defined Agricultural Leases Records of the Court Miscellaneous Training Sergeant-At-Arms 4-1705. Involuntary Commitments 32-802. Blood Degree 17-411. Repeal of Inconsistent Ordinances 16-502.79 Notice and Hearing on Revocation of Permit or Authority to do Business Federal Jurisdiction 4-1609. Qualifications 5-401. Respondent's Attendance at Hearings 211. Elementary School. Permissive Reporting Address. 10-102. Traditional Adoption 16-606.6 Refund of tax on tax-exempt sales Secured Party's Limited Right to Take Possession after Default Tribal School Board Elections 26-717. Referendum of Judges and Justices 1-307. Distinct and Identifiable Products - Exclusions Habeas Corpus Formal Notice of Alleged Violation and Right to Hearing 25-111. Services Enumerated in Standard Industrial Classification Manual Subject to Tax - Other Services Subject to Tax Powers, Duties And Responsibilities Chapter 5. Obligations Driving In Left Lane: Overtaking Vehicle Record Abrogation of Privileged Communications Archaeological Resource License 11-303. Summons in Lieu of Warrant 9-928. 8-110. 207. EPT Protective Payee Program Tribal Council Setting Of Child Support Obligations Permit By Rule Issuance 11-222. Adding religion can help us better understand both the sacred significance of water and land for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, their course of action and resistance to #DAPL, and our broader social and political climate. 38-702. Appeals; Scope of Review 6-1102. Aggravated Assault 31-201. Chapter 7 - 100% Survey Policy 17-408. 16-404. Disposition Of Civil Or Criminal Penalty Funds Absentee Voting Hearing on Adoption Required Consent 26-820. Minimum Service Standards 4-1715. Gaming Inspectors Crossing Reservation Lines With Intent To Engage In Sexual Act With A Child Who Has Not Yet Reached 13 Year Of Age 17-415. Administrative Orders Tribal Gaming Commission Chairman-Executive Secretary 6-906. 17-606. 16-502.45 Exemption for Sale of Feed for Certain Live Nondomestic Animals Permits By Rule Required Material Separation 22-106. 1405. 117. Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia Return of Custody to Parent, Guardian or Custodian 205. 19-605. 3-301. Definitions 32-1202. 5-106. Tax 16-602.21 Governor and Manager Liability Execution 406. Sanction Boating Safety Equipment Chapter 1. 16-601.13 Records RequiredSales for Resale Exempt 31-202. 1-106. Duration of License and Renewal 9-923. 9-1101. 9-2001. 7-210. 16-606.5 Refund to Prevent Taxation by Multiple Jurisdictions Applicability 26-1414. Eligibility for Tribal Council Offices Appeals Permit Modification, Suspension And Rumination Regulations and Delegation 34-304. 9-914. General Provisions Enforcement; Appeals Supervisory Responsibility for Grievance Resolution The governing of all taking of game and fish species by Indians within the exterior boundaries of the . 5-618. The project will focus on the development and improvement of community-based emergency action plans, as well as training for tribal emergency leaders and responders. .3 Non-Repayment of Indebtedness to the Tribe Waste Transfer Station Applicability 17-211. Reserved 9-1406. 124. Chapter 3: Environmental Quality Commission Enforcement Authorities Purpose - Definitions Chapter 3 - Extraordinary Writs Fines 38-705. 16-501.13. 100% Survey Policy Infractions Fine Schedule 119. Purposes Grievances - Appeal to Hearing Panel 26-1807. Tier 3 Offenses 16-605.25 Governor and Manager Liability 323. 16-501.108 Personal Liability of Officers of Corporation Failing to File Returns or Pay TaxSecurity in Lieu of Liability Title XXXIII (33) - JTAC Ordinance Email:,,,, SRST Closure-Inclement Weather March 1, 2023,, SRST Closed due to Inclement Weather February 28, 2023,,, Dakota Water Wars, Chapter Twelve: 1868 Treaty the Supreme Law of the Land,,, Propane Vendors-Patience Requested for Deliveries,, Driving with Due Caution Reminder & Penalties,,, Copyright - Standing Rock Sioux Tribe -. Time of Election 11-108. Duties of Officers and Related Provisions Indian and Public Lands 16-502.54 Exemption of Rental of Devices Used to Apply Agricultural Fertilizers and Pesticides 1414. Preliminary Adjudication Hearing Rule 2. Briefs and Memoranda 17-417. 17-604. Interference with Department Employees 10-116. Content of Report Licenses Required to Operate Class II Poker Games 802. Vertebrate Fossil Permit Visitor Etiquette on Tribal Lands. 16-501.24. 16-504.15 Contractors May List Excise and Use Taxes as Separate Line Item Commercial Collection And/Or Transportation Of Solid Waste Forfeiture of Property Chapter 11: Waste Transfer Stations Fleeing A Law Enforcement Officer Foundation Walls Denial of Services Prohibited Authorization of Charges and Suspension 34-1301. 1303. 16-502.93 Auction Clerk to File Return and Remit Sales TaxResponsibilities of AuctioneerRecords Submission to the National Indian Gaming Commission Chapter 3. Exemption for Gross Receipts Pursuant to Contract Requiring Retailer to Display Products or Signage Exemption Order of Preference for Adoption Disclosure of Sites on Allotted Land .2 Solicitation No Credit Extended 4-807. 20-105. Exemption of Authorized Purchases of Food 34-306. Tribal In-House Counsel Association Job Announcements. 3-501. Miscellaneous Provisions Bonds 4-1207. 1-412. Salary and Expenses for Chairman 26-1706. 8-111. 16-501.130 Exemption for Gross Receipts from International Sale of Agricultural and Industrial Equipment 1-504. Junior High & High School. 27-401. 2-109. 1-108. Cruelty To Animals Emancipation 38-1501. Publication of Notice of Election 1502. Exemption for Lodging House or Hotel Membership Fees 626. Application of Water Code to Geothermal Wells and the Development of Geothermal Resources Gross Receipts Defined 26-801. .4 Conviction .2 Sexual Harassment 16-601.33 Payment of Refund Feasibility Study Supporting Wind Development on the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Indian Reservation. Criminal Penalties 8-102. 25-117. 6-903. Exemption of Certain Drugs Acceptable Uses 16-420. Applications Enforcement of Commission's Order 17-205. 1-207. 20-116. 17-419. Chapter 7. 6-506. Hearing And Application For Tribal Liquor License Disposition Alternatives 4-203. Subchapter C. Perfection and Priority Domestic Violence Protection Order 6-603. It should be used in conjunction with the Federal Register Notice of Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible to Receive Services from the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs (81 Fed. Member Hunting Guide License Required With this approval, the Tribe is authorized to enter into business, residential, wind and solar leases without further BIA approval. Involuntary Treatment Hearing 26-1403. Temporary Permits For Sale Of Beer Supreme Court of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Accessing Funding Non-Compliance of the Standing Rock Tribal Education Code 36-202. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Game and Fish . The remainder of the land is fee land of nearly 1.5 million acres, primarily non-Indian owned lands, school and . Rules of Evidence The contact person is: Charlene Anderson, Enrollment Specialist. 8-108. 36-304. 16-605.21 Common or contract carrierLicense requiredRecords requiredDiverted loadsTax Commission to audit records 11-212. Confidential Records Traffic Procedures Procedures for Appropriation of Water Used in the Development of Geothermal Resources 32-505. 4-703. 27-101. DER/EPA Enforcement Agents Eligibility for Election to the Board of Commissioners of the Standing Rock Housing Authority Sovereign Immunity Member Big Game Permit Chapter 7: Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Code Child Support Act 5-701. 9-916. 2-210. 1-503. Special Meetings Persons Qualified to Sign Recall Petitions 16-501.29. General Hunting Definitions Chapter 7. Boating-Flotation Devices Alienability of Debtor's Rights 26-1905. Native Words and Places. 16-216. 16-504.20 Contractors Excise Tax License Required General Standards For All Permits 21-203. He had a steady job and was busy pursuing a career in comedy and . Chapter 21. .3 Gifts, Loans, Favors, and Other Benefits 11-406. Home to the Lakota and Dakota nations, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is committed to protecting the language, culture and well-being . Public Notice, Public Comment Period And Request For Permit Hearing 6-304. Right To Obtain Counsel 5-621. 16-604.24 Cigars and Pipe TobaccoExcise Tax on Wholesale Purchase PriceOther Tobacco Products Excise Tax on WeightPenaltyReportsCollectionAllocation of Revenue 6-604. 32-501. 16-606.25 Liability of a General Partner in a Limited Liability Limited Partnership Exclusion of Unlawfully Obtained Evidence 26-1413. Floor Joists 16-604.32 Penalties for Violation of Section 31-306. Wildlife Propagation License 203. Chapter 3. Water Well Contractors License 4-705. 2-102. Perfection by Control 16-410. Compensation of Tax Commission Members Audits, Reports and Record Keeping Requirements Boating-Intoxication 9-1904. 7-211. Operating Motorcycles On Road Ways Laned For Traffic 17-609. Temporary Protection Order 5-105. 34-404. Use of Revenue Search without a Warrant General 6-808. 2-602. Exemption of Payments Between Members of Controlled Group - Exemption Severability Land Exchanges 16-502.57 Money Paid as Evidence of Value of ServiceReasonable Value Governs Community Notification 16-501.38. 16-606.21 Corporate Officer Liability 4-905. 17-605. 38-501. 32-904. 21-503. 16-413. Title XXVI (26) - Solid And Hazardous Waste Code Liability Rule 4. 16-501.22. 34-601. 901. Tax on Sales of Sectional Homes - Sectional Homes Defined Committee meetings are held the second week of the month. Adoption Authority to Manage Supply 104. Tribal Headquarters [ edit | edit source] Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Permit By Rule Denial, Modification, Suspension Or Termination 9-1914. Tax on Admissions to Amusements and Athletic Contests or Events 10-117. 212. 38-1402. 9-401. 322. 20-109. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Interests in Goods Covered by a Taking a Delinquent Child into Custody 16-606.26 Transfer, Deposit, and Distribution of Funds Application For Tribal Liquored Licenses Requirements 26-406. Child Custody Appointment of Members Chapter 14. Permit By Rule Applications 16-501.45. Prohibition on Improper Conduct 1302. Purpose 5-7018. 4-105. The Involuntary Treatment of Mentally Ill Persons Rights of Patients 11-207. 16-501.93. 17-112. 10-106. 26-713. 15-405. Public Access 39-040. 11-202. Election Procedures 202. 9-705. Resisting Arrest Oral Argument EPT Investigation Violations Based on Conduct of Owners 34-201. 26-1401.Designation Of Special And Industrial Waste .9 Nepotism Duration of License 312. Oath of Office Confidential Materials Term of Office Purposes 34-1406. With the pipeline construction industry booming across the U.S. and Canada, Donald Trump seeking to bulldoze the cancelled Keystone XL Pipeline through more than 800 miles of unceded Lakota treaty territory, and at least nine state governments working to criminalize protest movements . It is the tribal headquarters of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and county seat of Sioux County. Denial, Suspension, Revocation or Modification of Certification 21-504. Judicial Review Of Decision Chapter 5. 17-305. 27-204. 21-402. Hearings 26-405. 15-212. 403. 26-1707. 16-224. 306. Title II (2) - Civil Procedure 33-701. Restoration of Lands Drivers Licenses, Identification Cards, Passport And Immigration Documents 16-504.5 Tax Measured by Gross Receipts Upon Accrual Basis 16-501.16. 34-901. Driving A Motor Vehicle While Under The Influence Of Intoxicating Liquor Or Drugs Meetings *** Sarah Dees is a scholar of American and Indigenous religions. 412. 6-605. Chapter 4. 615. 16-602.17 Provisions of Sales Tax Law Applicable Charitable Gaming 18-204. 16-501.59. 19-413. 7-207. Subchapter B. 3-506. 16-602.10 Collection of Use Tax Administration and Supervision 19-410. Rule 12. Issuance of Subpoenas 34-1401. - THE NEEDS AND CHALLENGES OF TRIBAL LAW GovInfo. Cut-Off for Delivery of Absentee Ballots to Election Supervisor 33-504. Aerial Applicators Variances Subchapter I. .3 Notice to Seek Elective Office 4-706. Authorized Emergency Vehicles- Exceptions 15-217. 33-401. Driving A Vehicle In An Unsafe Condition 16-202.2. 3-707. Right to Jury Trial 19-405. 16-502.7 Certain Purchases Considered for Resale Purposes Entire Gross Receipts from Sale of Bundled Transactions Subject to Tax 15-503. 9-936. 503. Chapter 6. Prohibited Bait 316. 16-501.102 Accrual Basis Reporting and Payment Failure to Report Management Contracts Allowed 16-501.35. 16-502.78 Revocation of Retailers Sales Tax Permit on Failure to ComplyRevocation of Corporate Authority to do Business 33-703. 19-505. School Criminal Possession Of Drugs 11-210. Harboring A Child Chapter 9. Crimes & Civil Penalties Excavate Gang Crime Power Charges for Irrigation Pumps Exempt Obedience To Traffic Control Devices Installation Presence of Vertebrate Fossils 6-1003. 16-601.2 Sales Tax Imposed 6-902. Chapter 4. Business Licenses 22 22. 15-401. Non-Use Defined and Described Failure To Send Children To School Notice of Dual Enrollment and Request for Relinquishment 501. Effects of License Denial Contest of Election 16-505.7 Time and Method for Remittance of Taxes Chapter 8 - Survey Requirements Continuances 16-501.116 Passenger Transportation Gross Receipts Tax Imposed 9-801. Adoption of Compact 39-090. Standing Rock Historic Register Appeals 4-1635. Accessing Funding, Title XXXIV (34) - Tribal Water Code Record Keeping And Reports Chapter 1. Severability Septic Tank Waste 34-1512. Notification before Disposition of Collateral Screening the Petition 8-107. Victims Rights Mobile Home Or Tailors 4-1618. 9-306. 4-1508. 32-201. Home Education 6-402. 33-402. License and Permits 2-201.1. 26-210. Chapter 2 Employee Rights and Responsibilities 34-1501. Title XXXI (31) - Pesticides Permitting Removal of Medical Inabiloty to Carry out the Duties of Office

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