south node aquarius past life

Your natal chart not only acts as a map of the sky at the moment of your birth, but it also holds the key to understanding your karmic path. These natives are insisting in being different and for what they want to also be embraced by others. It is worth taking the time tostudy your south node placementto see where it is that you might be hiding out from life or the areas in which you are naturally inclined to keep your life smaller than it is meant to be, or on the road that you are already familiar with. Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. It means that the shadowy, secretive, cunning, daring, adventurous, reckless, fearless, unusual, dangerous entity Rahu combines with the stable, persistent, down-to-earth, realistic, fixed, reliable, generous, loving earth sign Taurus. If yoursouth nodeis in Scorpio, you have mastered the more spiritual aspects of reality in previous lifetimes. In order to get the full scope of your past lives, you also need to take the astrological house of your South Node into consideration. Its time to open your heart to others and allow love to show you how to be in a healthy and harmonious partnership by following your North Node in Libra. Are you a naturally gifted writer? People with asouth nodein Aquarius are used to working towards better humanity for all while downplaying the needs of the self. 2. "Astrology for the Soul" is beautifully written and offers valuable insights into the lessons and issues that face each position (by sign) of the . Become the artist youve always wanted to be! Here are the opposing astrology houses: 1st house opposes 7th house. Their ideas can be the best ones, not to mention they can live this lifetime to make the conditions better for the entire world. It encourages you to be vulnerable in this lifetime. They can understand that the big picture is more important than anything else and can help many govern life itself, but they dont want to abandon their ways of expressing themselves. In their subconscious, they know how to influence others and how to have an influence in the society. So used to being the center of attention, you either expect and welcome it in this lifetime, or you expect it and run from it. Whatever they experience during these significant periods it narrates something about their mistakes done in their past lives on which they have to intuitively work on in order to become free from limitations caused by negative karma. You could have been someone who works in public speaking or communications. To begin with, South Node Ketu in Leo indicates that the major activities in past life revolved around the significances of the given zodiac sign. It bases on the fact that the 6th sign from the 6th sign Virgo is the 11th sign Aquarius. Your North Node is urging you to embrace these qualities within yourself. AGemini south nodeandSagittarius north nodeperson will need to move from being the eternal student to being the eternal teacher in search of a deeper truth and wisdom to life. North Node in Cancer suggests that you can live with your emotions now. South Node in Sagittarius: Past Lives as a Vagabond, a Gypsy, a Scholar. Becoming personally involved in your own life. Because Cancer is ruled by the moon, theres also a strong chance you were a witch! Having the tendency to rely on those who can still let them down in life, people with South Node in Aquarius can seem impersonal and cold when interacting with others. Our South Node represents where we're coming from and what we're bringing into this life. Therefore, the results and outcomes of Ketu, the South Node in Aquarius are highly dependent on the dignity of Saturn which is the ruler of Aquarius. You'll be most fulfilled fighting for causes that you care about and collaborating with others. Those with their north andsouth nodeson the Virgo and Pisces axis are the people that are natural-born healers. Could you sell ice cubes during a snowstorm? If your North Node is in Aquarius, your True North is directing you to use your innate, innovative, forward-thinking . The written content of the website is copyright protected and digitally signed. A fallen Saturn indicates that they also performed many sinful deeds because of excessive greed. My mother always told me how defensive I was which is likely related to this leftover karmic energy of being judged or persecuted. Therefore, Chiron is rarely acknowledged in past life astrology. However, youve spent enough time exploring. Ultimately it is not the specifics of the past life that matters however I get a sense of some sort of spiritual person who was persecuted for their beliefs. Its possible for South Node Aquariuses to be happy because they want to spread their joy all over the place and to let the world function in the best way possible. They also managed to fulfill their desires, dreams, and highest aspirations which were direct blessings for continuous good deeds towards humanity and community. South Node/ Ketu: Aquarius. In this blog Im going to give you an overview of how you can explore this using your Natal Chart. During past lives, individuals with South Node in Aquarius were most likely involved with different organizations and spent a lot of time among their loved ones. This is because our south node governs in the realm of those lessons we have already mastered. A South Node in Taurus may indicate that your past was filled with material things and you put too much emphasis on them. The north node shows your future, the direction you are supposed to go in. Each time we will essentially be better equipped to handle them. 4. There can be times when theyre outrageous on purpose, as well refusing to show how much theyre worth to those in higher positions. They were inclined to fulfill their karmic duties with dignity and integrity while following the code of ethics. The challenge for these people is to get out of the practical aspects of reality and move into the parts of reality that feel a little scary because they are uncertain. 1) South Node Connections. There are two lunar nodes in astrology, the north node and the south node. This placement also indicates creative talents that have been used in previous lifetimes and that may come through in the present lifetime or a desire to express them. North Node in Taurus. For this reason, the south node can be easily overlooked when astrology students study the north nodetrajectory. North Node Aquarius / South Node Leo: Humanitarianism, progress, nonconformism; North . In astrology, the lunar nodes . The Virgonorth nodethat these people are moving toward teaches boundaries, routine, and implementing critical thought when emotions feel overwhelming. Youve spent many lifetimes enjoying high positions of power and leadership roles that carry immense magnitude and clout. They are taught that love means that you do the work of teaching, or listening, and of giving to another person. Taking up intense physical exercise (i.e., kickboxing) can be a great way to do this, and of course, meditation also helps. They should only pay attention to what their . The idea is that the chart illuminates past life issues that remain unresolved AND that we have a soul intention to work on in this lifetime. References to The Last Word of God are included not to mix Sunnah Kitab with worldly science, but to offer the best cure for worldly issues. In other words, Ketu gives a clue about past lifes main activities, desires, directions, and talents which manifest in current life as natural subconscious talents. And because Leo is ruled by the sun, you were probably a father at some point too. We can be too quick to immediately reject the qualities of thesouth nodebecause the comfort zone is looked down upon as something to avoid. Now, with a Piscesnorth node, opening up to multiple realities and possibilities brings them the peace they didnt even realize they had been seeking. Living a lifestyle that encourages self-expression. However, you may have spent most of your time in your own neighborhood. Read an in-depth analysis of your Capricorn south node in this article. North Node in the 8th House - South Node in the 2nd House. The South Node is trying to persuade you to change your life because you are different from the past, which is trying to cling to you. However, because Aries is also incredibly ambitious, you could also have been a politician, a government official or even a king! The North Node should be on the opposite side of the South Node in your birth chart. You do not show Birthdays for South Node sign 1938-39 . 6 thoughts on " The South Node and Your Past Lives " Yvonne October 12, 2018 at 11:32 am. You came to this life with a level of charisma that youve acquired throughout your past lives, making you someone whos learned how to be incredibly persuasive. The term DRACONIC comes from the Latin names for the Lunar Nodes: Caput Draconis, the dragon's head or Moon's North Node, and Cauda Draconis, the dragon's tail or South Node. These people need to channel their Leo "roar" to reach a wider audience. For these auspicious effects, it is self-explanatory that Saturn, the host of South Node Ketu in Aquarius must be dignified which proves that they accomplished great aspirations in past lives during which they attained an abundant amount of wisdom and experience. Holy Prophet [PBUH] raised the status of and established legal rights for women which were never present before, and protected them from harrasment, and stressed duty and good treatment to mother. In other words, a dignified Saturn shows that they were generally successful and prosperous in their past lives as they had the chance to live up to their maximum potential. The Leo north node/Aquarius south node person is a powerful changemaker, but in this lifetime, they can get lost in a crowd. Instead of being a domestic caretaker, youre learning how to be a provider; how to be someone who goes out there and makes a name for themselves in order to support your family. . With that being said, they must apply extra effort to acquire information through various experiences before tasting the fruits of success. Most North Node in Aquarius/11th house people struggle with connecting with others or feel accepted by society. Youve aways felt extremely connected to your roots. Did you know that you can use astrology to gain insights into your past life (lives)? Youre learning how to not only survive, but thrive. My south node is ruled by Uranus There is an indication of having been an outsider or an exile in the past life in question. Speaking of which, South Node Ketu in Aquarius shows that they were working with large networks and communities which consisted of people who shared common ideologies and goals. . The Sign of the South Node the nature of who we were in this important past life your character and emotional nature. If you were born with your South Node in Aries, being on your own comes naturally to you. The north node in Aquarius and south node in Leo is often accompanied by a sense of superiority that can block you in this lifetime from achieving your full potential because it isolates you from society. North Node in Leo: South Node in Aquarius. An Aquarius South Node indicates that you werent so great at sharing your emotions with others. However, you may be realizing that career success doesnt necessarily bring you the fulfillment you desire. Accordingly, this combination detaches these individuals from worldly desires which shows that their greatest motives which propel them into taking action and achieve great results in this life are selfless goals. Because of their highly humanistic nature, they were competent guides and team-leaders who guided their people towards betterment. Ironically, as per the law of attraction, we attract what we detach ourselves from. Self-knowledge is the first step to approach our destiny and heal from our past karma. They had a strong urge to be active and resourceful in life while being selfless and respectful towards nature, animals, and people. Wanting to be in large groups, they dont like being in the center of attention, however. But protect truth and believers at all costs. . Their mind and heart need to unite, but they need the unconventional in order for this to happen. Thats because your South Node also describes the innate talents and natural gifts you were blessed with from birth, shining a light on what youve already mastered in your previous incarnations. Any spotlight on you is meant to be shared with the masses. Individuals with their South Node in Aquarius are detached and not personally involved, so when it comes to the glorification of the self, they're completely behind it. Many people believe that the North and South nodes hold the key to understanding our karmic life lessons and discovering a sense of purpose in this earthly lifetime. In other words, they feel uncomfortable within large groups because they lose the spotlight there which they desire to have on them. The south node: Your innate gifts and past life. You could have been a public relations agent, a socialite or even a political organizer. Ultimately, the South Node represents the karmic challenges or skills that you are given in this lifetime. But is that truly what you need? During your past life, you were very distant, almost cold, and impersonal. When taking some risks and being confident, people with South Node in Aquarius can end up again being happy and feeling balanced. Taking pride in your appearance. When overdoing love and having high ideals, they can also experience the pleasure of ordinary romances. That is unless it makes an aspect to a "karmic" planet or house or the south node. This blog may ask you to suspend belief for a minute and feel into the concept of past lives and reincarnation sing Past Life Astrology. Asouth nodein Capricorn denotes that you gain recognition from the public eye quickly, and anorth nodein Cancer suggests that you seek a more private life in this go-around. Theyre good lovers, but at the same time, theyre in love with humanity. It is a direct result of diligent, persistent, and hard work that was done in past lives. AQUARIUS or 11th house Moon or Ketu Past lives as part of the common people, in communal societies, who lived together, worked together, raised children together, etc. Their body can work with all the abilities they used to have, but it's advisable for them to let go when it comes to these. Nothing wrong with that, except that the Soul now desires to move from . Classical Sources Used: BPHS, Saravali, Brihat Jataka, Lal Kitab, Yavan Jataka. A south node in Pisces has spent many lifetimes being a psychic sponge for other peoples ailments and can fall ill easily if they do not take enough time to recharge alone and out in nature. Are you and your love interest meant to be? )The nodes are mathematical points calculated based on your birth chartwith the north node . When you factor in both North and South Node in a birth chart, you can determine how the past shaped you and what your destiny might entail in the future. Capricornnorth nodesare seeking public recognition for their work, whether actively aware of it or not, and will not settle until they have received recognition from their peers and colleagues in their field. Leo is the 5th zodiac sign which denotes vitality, courage, adventures, will-power, honor, dignity, fame, nobility, leadership, creativity, etc. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope. They are able to use this knowledge to prosper in the goals of current life, which are indicated by North Node Rahu in Leo. In astrology, theres pretty much a sign for everything. However, in this life, youre meant to become more present in the current moment. On the contrary, an undignified Saturn shows that they used various shortcuts in previous lives to attain materialistic goals which means that they were not inclined to attain wisdom in abundance nor amplify their inventive way of thinking. Thats why its important to follow the way your North Node always pushes you and challenges you, as it pulls you toward the level of karmic growth that your soul is always aiming for. When someone's planet or point conjuncts your natal South Node, a past life connection is indicated. Once they do, they can claim the spotlight and shine, spreading a message of justice. In other words, as these individuals are able to let go of worldly desires, they attract materialistic success naturally. We start exploring past lives through our natal chart by looking at our South Node. It is the area of your chart that you should be focusing on in order to grow and evolve. It is important to note that the South Node Ketu is not a physical planet and holds no ownership over signs. This means you could have been an athlete in a past life or maybe even a military commander. An Aries South Node may indicate that, in the past, you may have been a bit selfishand now, you need to learn how to share with others. In your past lives, you may have been a revolutionary; someone who overthrew a brutal dictatorship. North Node in Aquarius/South Node in Leo: Motivations/goals solely for personal . your Saturn reveals where you've fallen into extremes in past lives: either not stepping up in an area of life. Not only that, but they also trained their teammates to become very efficient, resistant, and disciplined like these natives were themselves. You can get enough information on the leftover karmic energy and the unresolved issues to work through in this life without knowing the specifics of the past life. The interaction of these two dictates which path you are going to take. They also experience events that shatter their dreams, hopes, and highest aspirations into a thousand pieces. Aquarius represents the air element which shows that they were socially outgoing and talkative which also helped them in various activities within groups of people. Well, if the above definition wasnt clear enough for you, Gonzalez certainly has a good way to explain it. Youve spent many incarnations studying the fine print, asking the right questions and searching for the truth, as a South Node in Gemini indicates a soul filled with intellectual knowledge. At the same time, they were irresponsible and were not inclined to fulfill their karmic duties with dignity which was a major cause of hindrances in their past lives. When they become active and independent in life, their wisdom from the subconscious mind starts to become dominant slowly but surely. Last updated on April 26th, 2020 at 08:10 pm Jupiter in 2nd house unites with the energies of Venus-ruled Taurus. Developing self-dignity. South Node Aquariuses can be playful and indulge in this attitude if theyre not seeing happiness as a way for them to make a fool out of themselves. It also resulted in blessings, both materialistic and spiritual, in their current lives. South Node Ketu is all about detachment and liberation while Aquarius represents the 11th house which belongs to the triangle of desires. The south node is the exact opposite zodiac sign of the north node. If your South Node is in the 2nd House, in your past life, you were obsessed with money. Both tell a story of fate and destiny, in this life (the North Node) and your past lives (the South Node). Steven Forrest in his excellent book Yesterdays Sky describes this: The South Node primarily represents unresolved wounds, tragedies, limitations and failures from the past, which potentially interfere with our ability to fulfill our soul-contracts in this lifetime. Like the changing of the guard, the South and North Nodes move together, rotating backwards on Wednesday May 6th 2020. Humanitarian ideals will always be at the core of this persons efforts, yet in this life as anorth nodein Leo, it just isnt enough. The Leo north node/Aquarius south node person is a powerful changemaker, but in this lifetime, they can get lost in a crowd. The North Node is the focal point of any astrological chart. Speaking of which, the trials and sufferings are deeply related to the 11th zodiac sign Aquarius or in other words to their own deeds done in past lives. Youre someone whos gifted when it comes to making friends and networking, which has led you toward many grand opportunities in life. These . Other people will bring about important lessons for your soul's growth. Whether or not you believe in past lives, discovering the sign . Leo meets Aquarius. Rising Signs What Your Ascendant Says About You, Planets in Houses: How They Determine Ones Personality, Planetary Transits and Their Impact From A to Z. Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. Our north and south nodes indicate our greatest life lessons: where we are headed, what we must learn, and lessons we've already mastered.The nodes work as a pair and always land in zodiac signs that oppose each other. Youre someone whos known for giving back to your community and lending a helping hand when it comes to charity work and humanitarian goals. Youve spent many lifetimes seeing the world and trying new things. The south node, on the other hand, represents your past, where you are . Wouldnt it be great to know what your past life was like? Check out my Past Life Astrology Toolkit with detailed tables to interpret my framework using your natal chart just $29USD. . The moon rolls around the Earth on that smaller track. This placement can also indicate a sudden change in condition or circumstance so look to the house for clues on this. From this date the North Node will be in Gemini & South Node in Sagittarius until 18th January 2022. Allowing yourself to experience more unpredictability in your working life. Celebrate your enthusiastic, sunny side and your ability to create a love affair to remember. . Both tell a story of fate and destiny, in this life (the North Node) and your past lives (the South Node). Often, this placement struggles with the push and pull of wanting to be seen vs. fearing to be truly seen. Your North Node in Aries is encouraging you to follow your own path, because youve spent too many lifetimes compromising your dreams for the sake of someone elses happiness. So we need to look at the Past Life Astrology by the south node placement and consider how we may have been limited and how it may be limiting our potential and distorting our present life experience. And on January 18, the North Node is moving from Gemini to Taurus and the South Node is moving from Sagittarius to Scorpiosigns they haven't been in since 2004! With your South Node in Cancer, you have always been someone who placed value on your home life; someone who has no problem prioritizing family. If you have your South Node in Scorpio, you came to this life bearing a high level of psychic awareness and a deep connection with the spirit world. My South Node is in the 5th House with the south node in this house past lives may have had unexpected pregnancies or issues around children. A South Node is an inherited part of your soul that now describes who you are. Instead of fussing over gossip and close friend groups, youre meant to travel far and open your mind to a whole new world. You came into this life with a high level of intelligence and a natural ability to solve problems and analyze details. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. Because of these mistakes done in past lives, these individuals are prompted to endure increased trials and challenges in current lives. TheSouth Nodein your birth chart denotes the challenges we have already learned to overcome in the past. If Saturn and/or South Node Ketu in Aquarius is connected with special and powerful planetary combinations in the natal birth charts it indicates that they had very important positions in their community. They can make others feel like strangers in their presence, when theyre not acknowledging their originality, not to mention they can lose the control over their own heart when theyre being too rational with their own feelings. It describes prior lifetimes that are relevant to the present one. (For example, if your north node is in Aquarius, your south node is in Leo. An Aquarius South Node indicates that you weren't so great at sharing your emotions with others. Its time to share your stories! Your North Node Aquarius Life Journey. Being that your South Node is ruled by Venus . With the south node in Aries, yournorth nodeis in Libra, the sign of partnership and harmony. (Musnad Amad 11237)And God protects the faithul more than a caring Mother protects her child (Sahih al-Bukhari 5999)Do not perform idolatry, impiety, disrespect for parents, never endanger lives (saving one life is like saving whole humanity), theft, adultery, false witness (disregard all cruel conspiracies towards innocent believers), and envy (Surat al-Anam 6:151-153)The Messenger of God [PBUH] used to stress charity in his sermons, and prohibit mutilation. These become other major reasons why they are prone to detach themselves from specific groups, friends, or teams. Already gifted in the realms of the senses, this lifetime for you is to explore the mythical and the mystical. Engaging life with warmth and vitality. These people make great humanitarians because they can draw attention to important causes. In general, the goal is to overcome those posed challenges, so you can move on to the next chapterrepresented by the North Node. Instead of focusing on external wealth, its time to focus on your inner wealth. That includes lessons from our past lives, and thus, all the gifts and qualities that you've already mastered. They can work as social assistants because they want to serve and dont mind not having a career thats putting their name in the spotlight. This point of the chart represents the themes and challenges that you need to head towards. They are anything but emotionally unintelligent. Seda Unlucay February 6 . Now, your mission is to create loving and close relationships with others. A dignified Saturn further amplifies this effect by making them extremely humanistic and respectful towards masses also in the current life. It encourages you to be vulnerable in this lifetime. Individuals with their South Node in Aquarius are detached and not personally involved, so when it comes to the glorification of the self, theyre completely behind it. So, with these examples, we can see how the south node is so influential in moving towards ournorth node! 4. Theyre known as good observers of the human nature, so they can make the psychological profiles of many.

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