prayer for husband to stop smoking

Give me strength to kick the smoking. Dear God, Please give my husband strength today. (1 Thessalonians 5:13), (excerpt fromEncouragement for Today,Proverbs 31 Ministriesby Wendy Blight. So, have faith in God and believe that He is able to deliver you or your loved one. Father, I destroy every stronghold of smoking in my husbands life, in Jesus name. Father, every indignation of smoking working overtime in my husbands life, let it come to an end by fire, in the name of Jesus. LeeAnn created this site to provide a platform for prayer warrior writers across the world to share prayers and tips for improving your prayer life. Smoking is a dangerous and bad habit that is harmful to the smoker but physically and spiritually. And I pray as an oracle of the most high God, as you begin to study this prayer guide, may God answer all your prayers in the name of Jesus. Father, help the infirmity of my husband and renew his mind from smoking and also deliver him from the satanic force of smoking, in the name of Jesus. For instance, some people smoke to help them be more comfortable in social situations. Father, let every agent of the devil seeking to destroy the glorious destiny of my husband through chronic smoking die by fire, in the name of Jesus. I pray that you will strengthen him from today, you will grant him the strength to resist the devil when the temptation comes again in the name of Jesus. I ask for your mercy on him in the name of my savior, Jesus Christ. Father, restore and heal my husbands body and all his vital organs from every health risk of smoking, in the name of Jesus. The husband is the head of the family and upon him lies the responsibility of piloting the affairs of the family, one single mistake from the husband can rock the family boat to an irreparable part for life. Father, whatever has been used to put my husband in bondage of smoking, let it be destroyed, in the name of Jesus. This post may contain affiliate links, please see our full disclosure for more information. Do you seek prayers for a relative who seems to be addicted to smoking? I prayed to be able to quit smoking and thanks be to God, my prayer was answered. I pray that by your mercies you will take away the pleasure that my husband gets from smoking weeds, marijuana, or cigarettes in the name of Jesus. Copyright 2021 Quit All Right Reserved. His traits that used to drive me crazy are now the strengths that fill in where I struggle. But, Lord, sometimes I wonder if he thinks the same things about me. Today we will be dealing with prayers for my son to stop smoking. Youve promised to fill his soul with what he needs and I ask You to do just that., For he has satisfied the thirsty and filled the hungry with good things. Take care of him. Similar thoughts will likely come up during your prayers if you have close friends and family members you love who you dont want to harm by smoking. So we are reaching out to You. Unfortunately, support can be a powerful motivator to prevent smokers from relapsing. (these 2 prayers are excerpted from 5 Things to Pray for Your Marriage by Amelia Rhodes). Father, engrave my husband to listen to Godly advice from wise people including mine to stop smoking, in the name of Jesus. All rights reserved. 5. Therefore, he is good. Smokers have been shown to suffer from withdrawal symptoms for several years after quitting, which makes it very difficult for them to stay away from cigarettes long-term without outside support. Learn how your comment data is processed. Hail Mary . Years ago, I decided to consistently pray for my husband. Father Lord, I pray that you will help my son out of this sorry situation. The Bible also tells us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. Christian's Prayer To Quit Smoking Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, my Saviour and I thank You that He died to pay the price for my sins and to set me free from the power of sin and death. In the name of Jesus, I pray. I decree by the power in the name of Jesus that your husband becomes a new creature in the name of Jesus. "Sometimes all it takes, is just ONE PRAYER to change everything." Start Here: Subscribe for more videos and c. Trusting in a higher power can help you face lifes challenges without nicotine dependence. Even if you avoid smoking for a little while, you might find yourself drawn back in before you know it because of this genetic element. I am restored, redeemed by the blood and made to have dominion over the flesh and all things in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I am seated with Christ in heavenly places far above evil imaginations, bad habits and satanic projections in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I have control over my thoughts, desires and actions by the authority of Christ in me, I am more than a conqueror in Jesus mighty name. I prophesy that your husband and smoking are separated in the name of Jesus. Younger people also have fewer coping strategies when faced with tough situations, like cravings or stress. [2022 Updated]. Father, empower my husband to resist the devil from attacking him with the urge to smoke, in the name of Jesus. We stake our lives on Your promise, Lord, that when we trust in You with all our heart, You will direct our paths. Lord God, for you, have not created the demon that you can not control, I pray that you will chase out the demon of smoking out of my son in the name of Jesus. Prayer for strength for your husband We all could use a little extra strength, and it comes from God! God, I want to be a wife who acknowledges that her husband deserves her prayers. When a wife prays for her husband, she is literally asking God to bring him good in all areas of his life. This is one reason you cant just will or purely pray your way to quit. Dear Heavenly Father, please lead my husband to a career that will support us financially and that glorifies You. Ask God to give him the strength and willpower to overcome his addiction. It can help you feel less alone in your quit efforts and more capable of handling lifes stresses without reaching for a cigarette. Its convenient, and you can do it anywhere and anytime you need using only your phone. Pray to thank God for him. I come before you this day because I know that there is nothing you can not repair, I pray that by your mercies, you will repair my son in the name of Jesus. Help me become the loving wife Im called to be and open his heart to find the love he once had for me. You can also use prayer to remind you of the good habits you want to form during your recovery instead of focusing on what youre struggling with or how much you miss smoking. You knew what You were doing all along. I pray that you will help change him in the name of Jesus. Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, my Saviour and I thank You that He died to pay the price for my sins and to set me free from the power of sin and death. Prayer can help you practice better self-control. I praise You for the blessings Youve provided and I pray that You would help him, help us, to always honor You first., Keep your life free from the love of money. My husband Hasn't been drinking and smoking for the past three years and is currently drinking and smoking. Pray for your husband to remain strong and faithful when times are difficult and all hope seems lost. Dear Jesus, You showed us what living a life pleasing to God looks like through Your own earthly life. Yet we cant move forward, and we refuse to go backward. 1 Peter 3:1-2 NIV. Prayer is a life-changing, uninterrupted connection to our heavenly Father and oh how he loves to hear his children pray! Prayers Resources to Improve Your Prayer Life. Everydayprayerguide 2019 | All rights reserved, INDLY WATCH EVERYDAYPRAYERGUIDE TV ON YOUTUBE, Powerful Prayers For My Son To Stop Smoking, Importance of Praying With Water And Forty Prayer Points That Can Be Prayed With Water. Lord, I particularly come to You today to seek Your face on this habit of smoking, a long-time habit that I have found so difficult to break. Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. Mindfulness meditation can help you overcome them without thinking about lighting up again. Amen. Give me the grace I pray, to enable me to stop this habit completely, and to have the desire to smoke eliminated from me. The short answer is yes, it can be a very helpful tool. Help me be a wife that can show him the way through my good example. James 1:5 CSB, Lord, money yields the greatest potential to cause problems in a home. Prayer is similar in that you focus on what you want to accomplish with prayer, such as quitting smoking or asking for help from a higher power. I got rid of all my cigarettes and my lighters when I stopped last week. Without it, it can be challenging to stay on course, especially during those early days of quitting. A life-changing encounter, the encounter that will change his entire being, I pray that you have it with him today. God heard you and i could not be more grateful. You might pick up your first cigarette of the day as you drink your morning coffee or right after you eat lunch. You joined us together to be a team, use me to . Prev: How Much Does Hypnosis to Quit Smoking Cost? The last thing you want is an interaction between your quit-smoking aid and other medications you are currently using (e.g., antidepressants). Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin, but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead; and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. Romans 6:12-13. Some smokers are genetically predisposed to addiction. This world can be a fearful place and I pray that You would give my husband courage. These prayers are simple and you can use them to guide your own meditations and words. Lord, I pray you will cleanse him from this addiction that's hurting our marriage and our family. Every power that has continued to make you cry over that son of yours, I destroy such powers by the blood of the lamb. Show us the way to keep You in the center of our relationship so we can honor Your name with a kind and loving marriage. Pray for him just because. Father, your greatest command was to love You and love each other (Matthew 22:36-40). I ask all this in Your holy name. And if you are not yet married, be sure to pray for your future husband! Is it affordable? God, I pray You would give him strength to walk the opportunities you provide. In other words, theres no such thing as recreational smoking. The moment you take your first puff, youre already at risk of developing one of the most unhealthy habits known today. Give him the perseverance and strength to work hard, overcome challenges, and to prioritize faith and family over financial gain. Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the list therefore. These apps can help you change your mental state by tapping into your subconscious mind and reprogramming it with positive messages about quitting without pain or suffering. -Savior Beloved, you promise that the one who leads their life in your Way will receive their deliverance because you will bless them with the salvation they seek. A Christian's Quit Smoking Prayer. Help him to remember that his strength and grace comes from you. Father, by your grace and power, cause my husband to stop the habit of smoking, for by your strength he can do all things. Yes! That You would give him wisdom and discernment. As you begin to use this prayer guide which has been titled powerful prayers for my son to stop smoking, I pray that help shall locate your son and he shall be delivered by the saving right hand of God in the name of Jesus. He has tried several times but all to no avail. Help me choose to walk in love always. However, prayer can help you see how youre hurting those around you by smoking. We complement each other. Lord I ask for your grace to stop smoking ease help me Lord in Jesus name, Lord please take away from me permanently, the urge to smoke, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Lord I ask that you help me stand strong by your grace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Father please deliver me from every spirit behind smoking in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree total separation from every bad association I have joined in time past in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Lord please help me to remain in your fear all day long, that I may continuously do your will in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I frustrate every plan of the enemy to make me useless in life and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. (excerpt provided from 3 Hopeful Prayers for Marriage Restoration by Rebecca Barlow Jordan), Lord, I admit that some days I wish You would just fix my marriage and would start with my husband. Also, you should always consult your doctor before taking any kind of medication or supplement for quitting smoking. Lord, I particularly come to You today to seek Your face on this habit of smoking, a long-time habit that I have found so difficult to break. release. Father, endow my husband with power to restrain the devil and his agents from attacking him with the urge to smoke, in Jesus name. Pray for your husband when you face marriage struggles. Pray to build him up. 4. Amen. It can also cause you to develop cancer, heart disease, bronchitis, emphysema, and other serious health problems. As her mother I am concerned and feeling overwhelmed that my daughter is going through this habit and the sad part she doesnt feel its wrong behavior. It helps you feel more capable of avoiding your addiction every day instead of giving into it just one time. Prayer can help you recognize how your addiction affects other people, which makes it easier to focus on quitting for the right reasons and not just because youre struggling with nicotine withdrawal symptoms or cravings that seem impossible to resist. Bring him into Your light and let him find true freedom in You. God is about to do something great through this prayer guide, God wants to deliver your husband from the demon of smoking. Jeremiah 17:14 CSB, Lord, You are gracious and merciful, yet You are all-powerful and understanding. When I let You be the glue, were stronger together than we ever were apart. The revelation that will change his perception about smoking, the revelation that will change his thoughts toward smoking, I pray that you will show it to him today in the name of Jesus. Your Word brings us truth, and wearing the spiritual armor You have given to us, we will fight for our marriage with You as our Supreme Warrior and Commander, and the third strand in our relationship together. When we are wounded, help us be honest with each other and not fear retaliation. Hail Mary . You will wonder if those boys that have turned themselves into a non-entity in the community due to smoking were created by God that way. This means doing your best to stay healthy, and that includes not smoking. Pray for your husband to be the man God created him to be. Father, I nullify and destroy every stronghold of smoking from my husbands family background speaking into his life and destiny, in the name of Jesus. Every power that has vowed to destroy the good destiny that you have created son with, I pray that such power is destroyed in the name of Jesus. When you quit smoking, you will be exposed to many stressors that may trigger your cravings for cigarettes (e.g., driving in traffic). I pray that your son will have such an encounter in the name of Jesus. My husband (to say his name) does not stop drinking and has given up his duties as a father, a husband, and a man worthy of living in society. The Scriptures says, in Mark 11v23: For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Visual reminders of my praying intentions are always a bonus and if thats you too, check out the You + Me gift collection for beautiful inspiration to pray for your husband. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I pray Lord Jesus, that you will have mercy on his soul and you will save him from the demon that has been tormenting him in the name of Jesus. Father, whatever was infused into my husband that makes him return to smoking habit after quitting, let that infusion be scattered, in the name of Jesus. Maybe if he realized this, he would change and our marriage would get better. God forbid. Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, my Saviour and I thank You that He died to pay the price for my sins and to set me free from the power of sin and death. Smoking is a terrible habit and really harmful to the human health especially when it becomes an addiction, it may be quite hard to stop thereby doing more danger to the human organs, especially the lungs, liver, blood vessels and kidney. Proverbs 27:17 CSB, God, I thank You that You are the good, good Father. Give us Your strength to ask for and give forgiveness. I am going to my support group regularly which is so helpful. How often should you pray to stop smoking? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. However, you need to make sure you get the right dosage of NRTs. St. Benedict (jumped in a briar bush when he was tempted by sins of the flesh, so I guess smoking would count, he was . Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will ishis good, pleasing and perfect will. I pray that today, God will deliver your son from smoking. Pray for him just because. Help me be the best wife I can be to acknowledge his worth and not take his everyday sacrifices and hard work for granted. Father, forgive my husband and empower him to stop smoking, so that he doesnt die before his time, in the name of Jesus. The good news is that you can turn your focus away from your addiction when you pray. He needs You, Lord. For instance, you may focus on the cravings you feel when you see others lighting up or that momentary pleasure you get from holding a cigarette in your hands and taking a puff every few minutes. And you may also want to consider quitting alcohol, especially if you are drinking heavily. There is no way a man can fulfill the Will of God for his life if he is a smoker. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Just like the scripture says that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. You would help me to give up smoking. Copyright (c) 2013-2023 There are many things you can pray for him about but these are some of the more important ones youll want to include in your prayer time. a good witness to those around me - and although I know that there is no sin in smoking - nevertheless my heart desires to quit this habit,- Ephesians 5:31 NIV. Youve given marriage as a holy relationship that reflects our relationship with You. 2. Catholic Prayer to St. Benedict To Quit Smoking : Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for every thing in our lives, I ask that your will be done, please help my husband stop smoking. A husband is one of lifes greatest blessings. Lord, I pray that You would bless my husbands work. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Romans 12:2 NIV. What I have noticed is that many of those male children that indulged in smoking started doing it all of a sudden. Let God place his hands on me to be a great husband to be an incredible father to my wife's boys. Prayer to Resist Temptation to Keep Smoking Lord God, I have been clean from smoking for five days now and the urge to pick up the habit again is so very strong. For you are the God of possibilities and there is nothing impossible for you to do, I pray that by your power you will change my son in the name of Jesus. I quit smoking March 5, 2003, on the first day of Lent. Proverbs 22:29 NIV. I stand the gap for my husband and pledge my devotion to you and promise that I will fulfill all that you command of me.In Jesus name. Lord, take the craving away. Father, I nullify the stronghold of every unclean spirit holding my husband bound to smoking, in the name of Jesus. Colossians 3:19 NIV. Please break the chains of addiction and set him free. Is It Affordable? Please pray that the Lord would bring other Christians at his age into his life. You can confirm this by consulting a professional doctor. Even the best marriages encounter challenges that strain the relationship at one point or another. The enemy has possessed his being and we are gradually losing him to smoking. God, the most powerful tool You have given us to improve our marriages is prayer. This is especially true for younger smokers who are under the influence of their friends and families while theyre still developing habits that can last a lifetime. Father I thank you for your great grace and love towards me despite my evil habits, glory to you in Jesus name. 6. Everydayprayerguide 2019 | All rights reserved, Powerful Prayers For My Son To Stop Smoking, INDLY WATCH EVERYDAYPRAYERGUIDE TV ON YOUTUBE. Check: Catholic Prayer For Marriage Preparation. Will you renew his spirit with your own? without a trace of . Article Images Copyright , 24 Prayers to Pray over Your Husband Daily, PDF copy of these beautiful prayers for your husband HERE. MATTHEW 18:20 KJV "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." God is good! (Psalm 90:17), Father, help us to live together in perfect unity by loving, honoring and respecting one another and serving each other for Your glory, honor and praise! God bless you. And, as in all prayers, we should begin praying for him by simply thanking God for him. Remember: its never too late to quit, and you deserve to live a healthy, happy, and smoke-free life. If you try quitting cold turkey without preparing yourself or getting support from a medical professional, then youll likely suffer through some very difficult withdrawal symptoms. You may find it helps you practice empathy when you think about how cigarettes impact other people in your life who dont smoke or have loved ones who do. There are days when I feel he is the problem, when I wish he realized how much he frustrates me. Lord Jesus, this struggle is not mine alone anymore, I can no longer fight this alone, I pray that you will help me, I pray that at the end, I will have reason to thank the Lord over the life of my husband. Help me be compassionate and forgiving just like you. The painful and stressful withdrawal symptoms smokers experience when they quit smoking are a major reason why many eventually return to this harmful habit. Lord, I finally love this man youve given me the way Im supposed towith all my heart and soul. Today we will be dealing with a prayer for the husband to stop smoking. Smoking is a habit that God great frowns at, aside from the fact that it destroys some vital organs in the body, it also reduces the spiritual consciousness of anyone who indulges in it. When your husband is struggling to love you as hes called to do, pray for him. Used with permission. that's been causing all my choking. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website. God is about to do something great through this prayer guide, God wants to deliver your husband from the demon of smoking. Thats why you should never rely on just one tool, but embrace the power of multiple tools working together for your success. That includes struggles that cause strain on your marriage. 2cor 12:9. We hope you enjoyed these prayers! It provides you with positive suggestions that can help you change your mental state about smoking and break the addiction for good. For instance, if youd like to start working out more but havent yet planned your routine, you can pray for the motivation you need to get started. Im so proud of you anything truly is possible with God. Just like you turn the situation of Jabez around, I pray that you will change the story of my husband in the name of Jesus. In Jesus' name, Amen. Lord, infuse his character with courage for daily decisions and the difficult ones as well., The fear of the Lord leads to life; one will sleep at night without danger. I will give You all the praise and glory, in Jesus' name,Amen. Over the years, God has shown me his work in my marriage through prayer time and time again. Father, forgive my husband for the sins of smoking and help him stop it and show him your faithfulness, in the name of Jesus. A man that smokes can not be a good father to his children and cannot be a good husband to his son. 3. For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband : else were your children unclean; but now at they holy. 1corinthians 7:14. Cigarette addiction is a complex disease. Every time you have the urge to smoke is a good time to pray. We know it is Your will to pray and believe for the healing of our marriage, and we are willing to work on it together. This habit also contributes to acne, wrinkles, and can make you more susceptible to infections. It can also lead to untimely death of the smoker. Oh Lord I thank you for your great love and kindness, blessed be your name in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. Father, by your anointing, let every yoke of smoking in the life of my husband be broken, in the name of Jesus. I decree by the mercy of the most high that smoking will not let your husband miss the purpose of God for his life in the name of Jesus. Father in Heaven, I pray that you will have an encounter with my son today. ), 10 Reasons God Might Not Be Blessing Your Life, Inspiring Mother Breaks Down after Earning Golden Buzzer with Celine Dion Hit, 7 Things that Will Keep Me from Coming Back to Your Church, 6 Truths about Jesus Coming into the World, 9 Christians You Don't Want to Sit Beside on Sunday Morning, 10 Things You Should Know about the Intermediate State of Death, 'You Raise Me Up' Duet Earns A Standing Ovation From The Judges, 7 Things I Would Do Differently if I Were Raising My Children Again. Dedicating prayer time for your husband not only calls upon the Lord on his behalf but can strengthen your marriage when you become in tune with his various needs.

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