john lansing npr political party

And were pleased to work with them. In a private meeting on Thursday President Biden informed Senate Democrats that he will not use his veto power to block a GOP-led effort to repeal D.C.'s new crime law. We'd like to revisit a story that first broke yesterday and . How is it a priority? It was a reckoning for all of us together collectively at NPR. Listeners consider public radio an enriching and enlightening companion; they trust NPR as a daily source of unbiased independent news, and inspiring insights on life and the arts. On an annual budget of roughly $300 million, Lansing says, revenues are likely to fall short by close to $30 million, although that gap could reach $32 million. "Bloomberg Opinion" columnists offer their opinions on issues in the news. Lansing previously held positions overseeing the Scripps Co.'s local television stations and then its national cable channels, which include the Food Network and HGTV, among others. And be a good listener. Mohn led NPR through five consecutive years of audience growth and budget surplus. Lansing: SAG-AFTRA came out with their letter around our September board meeting in 2020. So hes doubling down on lack of diversity, does that mean he wants his audience to reflect the other half of the country, the conservatives in flyover country? Lansing, who is 62, is. The network had run deficits in six of the seven previous years; under Mohn, it has achieved a slight surplus for each year during his tenure, even as the annual budget grew by more than 40%. So I think thats being offset by some listening through smart speakers and even online, and thats helping to offset some of the reduction in listening within vehicles. In Mr. Mohns first full year on the job, NPR operated in the black after having run a deficit for five of the six preceding years. I had been gone for the better part of a year or so. But we made a firm commitment, as you know, to freeze station dues and fees. Here's what to do in a worst case scenario. During the pandemic, NPR sidestepped layoffs through temporary cuts to pay and retirement contributions, distributed with an eye to shielding less well-paid employees, so they were most sharply felt by the most highly compensated staffers and executives. Mohn will continue on as President Emeritus & Co-Chair of the 50th Anniversary Campaign. Lansing is a veteran executive and journalist who has spent decades leading complex media companies in growing their relevance and reach, while strengthening their business operations. People, given the opportunity, will do the right thing in a way that hopefully makes them want to be here for a long time. What was it like for you to watch that happen? But an example of that one that weve already created is the Consider This podcast, which is just a terrific example of taking the national-local partnership into the on-demand future. Scripps Co., says whenever an economic slowdown appears imminent, marketing budgets get slashed. U.S. Agency for Global Media That said, Mohn set higher annual expectations for the network in fundraising and agreed to be co-chairman of its 50th-anniversary capital campaign. All of that is to say that coming out of the reckoning of Memorial Day 2020 was for us and for me, in particular, a call to action internally at NPR to hear and reckon with our own issues internally. Well, I'm fortunate that we have a terrific executive committee and leadership team, so we all share the daily ins and outs of managing a big organization. "This will be a major loss.". John Lansing, president and CEO Chair of the NPR Foundation John McGinn Public members of the board Carlos Alvarez, CEO, The Gambrinus Company Fred Dust, designer, speaker, and consultant Paul G. Haaga Jr., retired, Capital Research and Management Company - Chairman of the NPR Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer and Director of the, Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing, Florangela Davila to Become KNKX News Director, NPR Hires Noelle LaCharite As VP Digital Technology. And our number one goal is to improve our audience diversity. So we took that very, very seriously. Four years ago, Lansing was named by President Barack Obama to be the first chief executive of the broadcasting outfit that was renamed the U.S. Agency for Global Media. The title of your piece, "Now Is A Time For Truth Telling, For Listening, And For Action," takes a bold stand in defending the urgent work of journalists during this . He will now lead the nation's top audio producer and broadcaster. After Lansing hopped over to NPR from USAGM in 2019, NPR had to be prompted by outside critics to include disclaimers on its USAGM/VOA stories to note Lansings past USAGM role. We established management commitments to the women of color so that we address specifically their concerns. Lansing describes himself as a citizen watching from the outside A private citizen? We established the top priority [a.k.a. During that financial crisis, NPR shut down shows and laid off scores of people. NPR's chief executive announced the network would lay off roughly 10% of its current workforce - at least 100 people - and eliminate most vacant positions. And so I had a very visceral reaction to that happening in my hometown, and that it was so egregious the murder of an innocent person captured on video, on a phone. Today, we feature John Lansing, CEO of NPR. We did a climate survey of our employees, and we learned about a particular weak spot for us with women of color at NPR who didn't feel it was a place to grow their career, a place to be their whole selves, a place where they are seen and respected. And as a CEO, and also as a white man, I want to know, how did you handle it when all eyes were on you? In an interview, Lansing said he wants to build on NPR's successes in broadcast news and entertainment to become even more dominant in podcasting and more prevalent in streaming. Lansing, who is 62, is currently the chief executive of the government agency that oversees Voice of America, Radio and Television Mart and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, among others. John Lansing, CEO, photographed for NPR, 22 January 2020, in Washington DC. Current: Did anything else stand out to you in that survey that you believe needed attention and needs attention? One thing I would say is, research the places you're looking at to either begin your career or advance your career and understand where they are on these issues. Talk about a force of nature. "Governments around the world are increasingly cracking down on the free flow of information; silencing dialogue and dissent; and distorting reality," Lansing said in a speech he delivered in May to the Media for Democracy Forum. Last year, President Trump appointed Michael Pack as USAGMs CEO. In an email to the staff on Friday, John Lansing, who joined the nonprofit as chief executive in September, projected that NPR would fall $12 million to $15 million short of the amount it had . It all goes back to our mission: serving the American public, recognizing the American public is a diverse mosaic that makes America great and strong, and making sure that we're building systems and content that resonates with all Americans. When you first got to NPR, what did you think? "The challenges he will face at NPR are not dissimilar to challenges across the media landscape as a whole," said Sheikholeslami, who will soon take up the CEO job at New York Public Radio. Diversity is the North Star of a newly implemented strategic plan, Lansing said, because it filters through everything that we do with all of our work.. Its pretty clear to me that the ratings decline in radio is driven by commuting patterns. I just started in May. Yet Lansing also takes over an institution riven by a scandal that hit its top reaches, with a chief news executive toppled over #MeToo complaints of inappropriate conduct toward female subordinates and colleagues. For the year that ended last September, NPR reported $241 million in expenses. But my goals also go to all of my direct reports. Lansing: I guess my head turns first to the journalism of our member stations. Vox Media cut jobs by 7%; Gannett and Spotify by 6%. He guided the organization in becoming a leading developer of unique content across television, digital, mobile and radio platforms. He was responsible for strategic and operational oversight and P&L of the $2.5 billion division of Scripps Networks Interactive, including the company's portfolio of six cable networks Food Network, HGTV, Travel Channel, DIY, Cooking Channel and Great American Country and the $100 million Scripps Networks Digital division. I think the work Keith has been doing long before I got here on diversity in tracking sources and the storytelling that we're doing around the company has really been effective in the area of DEI on radio, podcasting, and digital. It shouldn't be on any journalists of color, or anybody of color, to have to go and 'solve this problem' in somebody's company. And I think we have to extend that lead. Current: NPR has helped stations during the pandemic by delaying planned changes to the dues they pay. Selected by the NPR board of directors, Lansing will start in October, succeeding outgoing head Jarl Mohn, Just be tuned into our folks. What do you think are some characteristics of good leadership? John Lansing will begin his term as President and CEO of NPR in October, 2019. There was one the year before I was here, then this was the follow-up. Now Lansing says he wants to draw on the intellectual and creative impulses of his new staffers as he leads a domestic journalistic powerhouse with an international reputation and reach. NPR was seen to align itself with federal workers at VOA who essentially conducted an internal uprising on government time, while NPR made quite clear in its coverage where it stood. So I brought in Michael Smith as our new chief marketing officer almost a year ago. Everybody at NPR knows exactly what you mean when you say, 'What's our North Star?' We discovered in our most recent climate survey that that was an area that we needed to put more effort into. I think that's where we all wind up. Share Your Design Ideas, New JerseysMurphy Defends $10 Billion Rainy Day Fund as States Economy Slows, What Led to Europes Deadliest Train Crash in a Decade, This Week in Crypto: Ukraine War, Marathon Digital, FTX. Or persons of color who are in our organization that are hearing [about] a lot of activity but arent experiencing what they believe they should be experiencing in terms of a workplace where they feel like they can grow and improve their work and improve their careers. NPR's total workforce has grown by about 50 percent since before that crisis. And were happy to see SAG-AFTRA agree with us and to join up. Lansing: About 11 months ago, in February, a pilot group of 15 stations got together and put together an 18-month plan to begin the process. I'd say if there's anything that I focused on, and still am focused on during the pandemic, it is to make sure that whatever the situation is, we are supporting staff to do their best work, supporting them when they're having other challenges and making sure that we're attentive and tuned in to employees that need help, that need a break, that need to be heard, whatever that may be. The network's fight for listeners' time has become more feverish. It is intended to align the strategy of its often fractious member stations with one another and NPR itself and to allow NPR, for the first time, to raise money digitally from its audience in concert with those stations. You have stated that DEI is your top priority at NPR. How does the economy react to all of that? Well, I like NPR Politics a lot. NPR has a new CEO. Last year brought a host of challenges to NPR: a multimillion-dollar deficit, calls for changes in its workplace culture and a hit to broadcast listening. Required fields are marked *. 5 takeaways from the massive layoffs hitting Big Tech right now, the network announced $20 million in cuts, NPR to impose near-freeze on hiring but avoids layoffs as budget cuts loom, NPR chief news executive Nancy Barnes to depart as network reshapes top ranks, January is often a big month for layoffs. "I want to hear the ideas that are bubbling underneath right now and what people are excited about, what they're looking forward to developing," Lansing said Thursday. A number of executives will report directly to Lansing, including Nancy Barnes, senior vice president for news and editorial director, who joined NPR last November and oversees the network's newsroom. According to Nielsen data supplied by NPR, its programs and newscasts had an overall audience of 27.4 million in spring 2019. Current: How else might NPR assist stations in the coming year? John F Lansing, National Public Radio Inc: Profile and Biography - Bloomberg Markets Live Now Bloomberg TV+ Bloomberg Daybreak Middle East Bloomberg Daybreak Middle East. The ratings have tanked because all they talk about is race. And The New York Times has won praise and new fans through its weekday podcast The Daily, with in-depth interviews of reporters and newsmakers. It is our work. NPR Start Date: Mid October, 2020 hide caption. John Lansing will begin his term as President and CEO of NPR in October, 2019. ", "I am thrilled to work with NPR's exceptional management team, staff and journalists," said Lansing. Lansing, 62, who is currently chief executive officer of the government agency that oversees Voice of America, Radio and Television Mart and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, among others . Will there be another stimulus? I have a negative reaction to what is fundamentally unfair in life, whether it be pay equity, promotions and advancement, training and hiring, or making sure leadership represents people of color and our staff. Scripps Company, Held senior management positions at Scripps-owned affiliates, including WEWS TV in Cleveland, Ohio and WXYZ TV in Detroit, Michigan, Early in his career Award-winning Photojournalist and Field Producer, Assignment Manager, Managing Editor, and News Director at several television stations. Were finishing up in the next two to three weeks the specific lists of actions and activities under these pillars. promoting Keith Woods to chief diversity officer, regional newsrooms in Texas and California and the Midwest and in the Gulf, I brought in Michael Smith as our new chief marketing officer, looking to sell the Pocket Casts podcast app, Suspension of NPRs Kroc fellowships disrupts talent development, career plans of student journalists. How cool is it to be at NPR? Mike Morgan/Mike Morgan We saw a lot of companies react to the [murder of] George Floyd and we did too. Such distinctions between news and programming are tricky, however, as programming oversees podcasts, including those that perform journalistic functions, such as Code Switch, It's Been A Minute, Planet Money, and Throughline. That content executive position has not yet been filled; its creation led to the departure of then-NPR chief news executive Nancy Barnes. John Lansing will begin his term as President and CEO of NPR in October, 2019. And probably the most important accountability is that, first of all, I hold myself accountable with my goals that I report to the board. The work theyve done during the pandemic has been nothing short of miraculous in many cases, particularly given the summer of racial reckoning, the most unusual presidential election in memory and everything thats gone on since. Lansing: We hope to have that completed within about eight to 10 weeks. A review by the House Foreign Affairs Committee faulted the agency for insufficient oversight but noted that an internal task force was already having an impact. In an interview, Mr. Lansing called the ads a rogue incident and said it had been corrected. There are over 1000 NPR Member Station signals broadcasting across the United States That with a combination of expense cuts, including our employees and our management all taking voluntary pay cuts and benefit cuts, helped close that deficit gap. "We are delighted to welcome John, whose deep experience as a media industry executive and practicing journalist make him ideally suited to lead NPR into its next chapter," said Paul Haaga, Chair of the NPR board. You can't escape that. The second pillar is to transform our workplace culture. The Washington Post, owned by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, eliminated its Sunday magazine and a handful of other jobs. NPR CEO Jarl Mohn To Step Down After 5-Year Term Ends In June, Tensions Build In NPR Newsroom Over Handling Of Sexual Harassment Allegations, NPR Announces Newsroom Job Cuts Amid Restructuring. NPR headquarters in Washington, D.C. Last fall, when announcing the earlier cuts, Lansing said the network would have to make tough choices - and to "do less with less." Lansing served for ten years as a visiting faculty member at the Poynter Institute for Media Studies. Unlike some predecessors, Lansing doesn't face a particularly fraught political landscape. The last time NPR faced such stark choices, it was 2008. Were they targeted to specific spending areas or just for general costs? Were working with them to create regional newsrooms in Texas and California and the Midwest and in the Gulf. After becoming part of Warner Bros. NPR takes only a few million dollars a year from federal sources for its programs. When asked about his priorities, Lansing invoked what he has called the network's "North Star'' since his arrival in the fall of 2019: a push to ensure the network has a bigger and broader audience base, rooted in younger and more diverse listeners, readers and consumers. They lost their objectivity and are now just pushing leftist ideology. Mayor is said to be staying on at the network as a top executive and deputy to Lansing, retaining the enhanced portfolio she took on after Mohn's health crises. I am still morning the loss of an objective NPR. And I would do a board-level review for the donor or donors as to where the business was, the value of the work we were doing, the things we were adding in terms of covering the pandemic. At the U.S. Agency for Global Media, Lansing championed a free press even as leaders of many nations move against it. But here, Lansing basically jumps over those disclaimers using the lame attribution of private citizen.. John Lansing, a veteran government broadcast and cable television executive, has been selected by NPR's corporate board to succeed its current chief, Jarl Mohn. John F. Lansing (he/him) oversees one of the country's most iconic news organizations, whose rigorous reporting and unsurpassed storytelling connects with millions of Americans every day on the air, online, and in person. Mr. Lansings colleagues attribute the growth to his embrace of digital formats and the understanding of audiences that he gleaned from the private sector. A new chief content officer will oversee NPR's news and programming divisions, which have frequently collaborated and almost as frequently clashed over resources and . In late November, the network announced $20 million in cuts, including a near-freeze on hiring, elimination of most travel, and suspension of internships. NPR will cut 10% of its workforce, CEO John Lansing said Wednesday. "And I want to look for areas that I can provide leadership to bring resources together as needed strategically to find the right priorities that make the most sense for growing NPR this year and then into the future.". John Lansing, a media executive with government broadcast and cable television experience, has been named by NPRs board to succeed its current chief, Jarl Mohn who announced the plan to step down after his 5-Year term ended. But were going to continue to follow up on that going into this year. We couldnt be more proud of the quality and the depth of the journalism thats coming from the member stations, and it really has strengthened the entire system enormously.

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