avengers fanfiction peter never have i ever

But 6 minutes after I lifted the building off me I had to go fight him again in Mr. Starks plane that crashed with me on it. I was sleeping. She took a shot. Then he wonders if Bruce can have sex at all without the Big Guy showing up. Most were innocent, 'never have I ever slept in a bunk bed.' Someone is after Maya. Okay, so this is just a book of MCU (mostly Peter Parker centric) one shots with tropes you've read a thousand times. She'll kick his ass on the next training, but that's cool. Never have I ever repurposed a common household item into a sex toy, then needed medical assistance because I had a foreign object stuck inside me, Tony cried. Field Trip to the Compound (Part Two) (Completed), Not an update but a question for my curiosity, The sun will shine on us again (Part One), Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Will Always Shatter Me. It sounds like a genuine question. It's creepy. Who made you talk? Clint asks, because Tony is drunk all the time and he's never awkwardly confessed his feelings or anything before, which Clint will get right on having conflicted thoughts about that in a second, he just needs to finish up here first. Clint and I aren't, and have never been, in a romantic relationship.. Steve looks a little uncomfortable at the thought of semi-lying which is really too cute but he settles and unscrews the cap on his bottle. "Everyone has a hand, so five fingers, and after those, you have to take a shot for every time you have ever done the mentioned thing. 25 Feb/23. "Are we just going to skip over the fact Steve and Bucky have kissed a dude?" "Never Have I Ever had a girlfriend." Anyway, I told everyone we could meet up at seven-ish, get some food, Tony says and waves his hand in a circle for Clint doesn't know, maybe emphasis. After another round of raucous laughter, Peter pulled himself together enough to keep the game going. Tony Stark/ Iron Man. 1. I have an ally! "Nope, he's straight and started dating Cassidy from maths. A small, annoying part of him wonders if Tony's actually been personally acquainted with Captain America's dick and adds that if Clint wants to find out, this would be the perfect opportunity. Come on, that one was obvious, Clint complained. That was pretty above-average, Orion, and you know it.. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (245), Paxton Hall-Yoshida/Devi Vishwakumar (184), Paxton Hall-Yoshida & Devi Vishwakumar (54), Fabiola Torres & Devi Vishwakumar & Eleanor Wong (28), Devi Vishwakumar & Nalini Vishwakumar (18), Fabiola Torres & Devi Vishwakumar & Eleanor Wong, Indian moms are overprotective towards sons, Paxton Hall-Yoshida & Rebecca Hall-Yoshida, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Ben Gross & Devi Vishwakumar & Original Character(s), "Nothing shakespeare couldn't turn into a really good play", fabiola and aneesa are together and in love because I say so, this is also lowkey a trent and eleanor fic because I love them, ben and devi are stubborn idiots and we love them, this is only ging to be sort of faithful to the play cause i do what i want, Picture Perfect Shiny Family (Holiday Peppermint Candy), this fic has 3 chapters but spans many years, howard will be in chapter 3 a LOT so im hyped about that, note: Devi only appears over text messages, Welcome to New York (It's Been Waiting for You), written for author's self-satisfaction and mental health, Everyone is awesome but I still ship Ben & Devi I'm sorry, Make the Friendship Bracelets (Take the Moment and Taste It), and i thought huh. Prompt made by: Me It was a Friday night and the Avengers had come back from their latest mission tired, and bored. As soon as Tony's underneath the covers, he's out cold, and Clint's left to undress himself in peace. 2. Where did you get this tattoo!?" And the rest of you? Sam arched an eyebrow, surveying the perpetrators. ", Tony drank and everyone turned to look at Peter when he grinned and mumbled "Didn't get caught." Peter had never been drunk before, and now that he knew how quick his metabolism had cleaned his blood of the intoxicating stuff, he wasn't afraid anymore to take a drink with the team now and then. Nova questions and they all nod sheepishly. I've got all the good stuff on my level anyway, so I'll bring it down, and Thor said he'd introduce us to proper mead. Feels normal, almost, which is a ridiculous thought because of their lives and Tony being, well, Tony. They all thought that things were going to be better now. hey guys i wanna tell you something + a snippet of something im writing, I Guess I've Got A lot Of Explaining To Do. I wouldn't I mean, I didn't think you would be the one to hug me, if anyone would do it.. I thought it was just a month and three weeks., Nope, she says and somehow manages to get behind the Captain, driving him to the floor with a well-aimed kick to the back of his knees. It's been great, guys.. Last time they offered him alcohol, he refused, explaining how he didn't like the smell. "Ouch" she groaned quietly into her pregnancy pillow, trying not to wake Paxton and reach towards the night stand to grab her phone and check the time 4:45 A.M. She joined HYDRA's ranks at the age of thirteen and has steadily been risin Lucienne "Lucy" Ridley has lived for almost 1000 years, predating the first Avenger himself. This is the good stuff. How will she react? Michelle was even prepared to get the bells from her own room. Run, he clarifies, forehead creasing. He pockets the phone but doesn't push Tony away. "Never ever have I accidentally bent metal," Rohdey says and I laugh and take a gulp along with Uncle Bucky and Uncle Steve. I Dare you to say the Truth. "Way way way wait. They talked, at first playing Twenty One Dares, but Natasha suggested they switch to Never Have I Ever when she got bored of seeing Steve throw people across the room and Tony hadn't let Peter play (apparently the kid had no regard for his own safety). His name is Percy Jackson. Natasha clinks her bottle with Clint's. Back the fuck up." Aneesa Qureshi never had much control in her life. C'mon, it'll be a blast. He rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet, looking more like an expectant child than a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. He looks so goddamn excited it's all Clint can do not to smile at him. Peter and Natasha were the only ones to drink. Otherwise, all bets are off. #spideychelle This one counts.". "Hell yeah. The kid shook his head , pouring himself another glass or apple juice. Krispykitty, Synstylae364, LivelyLivelyLive, General_Cre, lady_Slytherin, Mompleasedontfindthis, anushkakht, feyzo, Gulim0509, heirofcool, MaeIsNotFine, welpje1999, 0Aratay0, Billyboi, Smowen99, yangiee, Murphy_46, Emerym0563, reticencemeccanico, BangLocalMilfs, Lokisdoll, Oo_snek_oO, A_drop_of_colour, soapdynasty, Alicemayamery123, Tulip103, Charlotte_JPM06, Microwave_Burrito09, Eggkos, Lio26, SwordSisters, Atalante241, onlyonemoreday, 1girlwith1brain, RDoglover, Amelia_074, Liafrank510, Chica_Promedio_X, simplymar16, AestheticallyBlurry, Night_Skye_Gazing, DyingRatInHealthcare, pidgeholt6, Athena_83, GodofBliss_Kangiten, IdiotQueer, Knightofthieves, Im_A_Gummybear_Of_Hell444, Saraqael_Li, Ima_frog6, and 454 more users Right., Really, Cap? Tony grimaces. Clint stops sleeping in his own bed, for the most part. Your turn, L'oreal, Tony says and claps Thor on the back. No, Clint says, because they didn't. Really? Also this is kind of a rewrite of episode 3x04 but there is no Navarathri celebration and Kamala moved out long ago. 'Course you can. No joke, no leering, no inappropriate comment. I'll be here. Proceed at the risk of your sanity. Tony's the only person Clint knows who can flop miserably. Ship? "Never have I ever been stabbed." remain the property of their respective owners. We could go with Greek, Natasha says, and Clint just nods because yeah, sure. He speaks with exclamation marks a lot, and that only gets worse as he gets drunk, Clint knows. Abe was next. No, we decided no strings, and then there were strings, strings everywhere except they were invisible strings, you know? Clint is an affectionate drunk, Natasha says, amusement and exasperation coloring her tone. After a long mission in Russia, consisting of the entire team taking down a Hydra wannabe, the Avengers sat down in the lounging area to relax. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Never have I ever battled motherfucking aliens.. Tony could of sworn he had seen Bruce mouth 'Sugar Daddy', but that couldn't be right. Never have I ever Bruce swirls his half-emptied glass once, before looking mischievous. Not more running, at least, which I totally admit, I did most of the running, but yeah. Thor chuckles and the two of them fist-bump. As expected, Natasha, Clint, Steve, Bucky, Sam and Tony drank, but yet again Peter surprised them all by downing his glass. Weakling, she mutters in Russian and Clint grimaces. "Never ever have I worn a chicken on my head," Aunt Nat says and I take a drink and yet again I'm the only one. "Okay, my turn. The title says it all, just a few random field trip one-shots made by yours truly. Ok, never have I ever dined and dashed, Peter decided to start out with a relatively tame non-confession. When he does, he brushes the warm body next to him, which oooh, really warm. Abe ringed the bell, but Flash just shrugged and mumbled; 'in elementary school.' I should call Pepper! Although, a small and mean voice in his head points out, Tony's bedded half the team already, and neither Bruce nor Thor seem to have any trouble hanging out with him. Okay, then. Clint chokes on his whiskey when he laughs. Thor nods, as if pleased with this approval, and empties his jug before refilling it. Awww, Tony says and sits down across the table from them, chugging down his murky green milkshake like he's getting paid for it. That was one time and I was drunk! Oh my god I cant believe I didnt think of that, Tony looked amazed at the gap in his thinking. Ok, never have I ever cried to get out of trouble, Bucky declared. Okay so this guy called Adrian Toomes was going to steal from Mr. Starks jet -the one that was suppose to be moving the stuff to the new tower. Plus, you know, Clint has done a lot of stuff. Tony chokes on his milkshake and splutters it out; over himself, his clothes, the table. "Excuse me" Natasha said. Thank you, she says and takes it, before turning her head towards Tony. #marvel Now, he finds himself inside Peter Parker's body, his heart thumping against . Trust me, Cap, he fit neatly in the bully category, Clint says with a smirk. His body's pleasantly loose and post-orgasm sore, Tony is a heavy but welcome weight on him, and they haven't said a word since Tony dragged them back into the bedroom. So why did the recent interactions between her boyfriend and her friend suddenly make her feel like she was starting all over again? Maya Romanoff was trained to be a killer, so she feels she doesn't deserve love. "How do you even do that?" Except Pepper. See, that's not playing fair, Barton. Yeah, okay, no. You owe me ten bucks, Clint says to Natasha, who shakes her head. Clint was just glad he had been filming it all on his phone ever since Peter admitted to having a boyfriend. Peter didn't know how to respond, the sudden worry etched in MJ's voice throwing him off. PETER? Peter smirked. It wasn't a conscious decision for either of them, which is freaky as hell. Never Have I Ever Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction A/N: Ok, so this prompt made me incredibly giddy, and it's one I thought of myself :3 this is going to be three parts, and it's going to be absolute teasing filth. There they used the Reality Stone to change one little detail. Why wouldn't you?, I don't know, Clint says and leans forward until their foreheads touch. Hmmm, Tony says before popping a few pieces of colored candy into his mouth. Just leaning against Clint, still swaying. It's entertaining, if not hell on the ear drums. I healed up quickly. They fall into a brief silence, before Clint decides that fuck it, they're heading there anyway and there's no point in letting Stark have all the fun. By the time it got to Sam, he decided to tease Steve and Bucky a little more by saying "Never have I ever had a boyfriend.". Yeah, Tony sighs out and nips lightly at Clint's lips. So after a mission, I y'know.. Did we have make-up sex?. Ever wondered what it would be like to date one of Earth's mightiest heros? I thought we'd made up.. Rhodeys clothes were so much comfier than mine! The college drunk party's favourite, beside beer pong and Quarters. Peter stood up. Good morning, Miss Romanoff! Tony doesn't walk into the kitchen. Looks like I was right, he says out loud, and Tony sighs. Steve makes another squeaky sound, but less panicked this time, and Clint leans his head on the Captain's shoulder and presses their cheeks together. I feel like Captain America, for crying out loud.. Really? Steve says, barely winded, kicking Natasha in the stomach, but she twists enough that it barely grazes her. Clint's stomach does a weird little tumble that Clint is definitely not going to analyze later, and he folds his arms and keeps his eyes on the screen. Cindy had already said something, and some people put down their thumb, but he hadn't heard her. He struts, like a fucking rooster, and Clint rolls his eyes. Everyone stared at Peter for a solid five seconds. Peter said slowly, avoiding everyone's eyes and looking down at his empty shot glass instead. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A MURDER VICTIM TURNS UP ON YOUR DOOR? I mean that literally.. "Tortured," Everyone but Shuri, Uncle Bruce, Aunt May, and Scott says at once. Before anyone could ask him what he meant by that, Bruce decided to take his turn to get it over with as quickly as he could "Never have I ever shot a gun.". Ben Gross was used to being people's second choice. "I am fine, thanks. #iorndad He can't have been sleeping more than a few minutes, because he doesn't feel rested at all. It wasn't until she had been on the run for months. Yeah, Clint coincides, because really, half the fun is getting to tell shit you've already done and see who else have done the same. Please consider turning it on! So you're not running away? Clint hears himself say after, when he thinks he's about to take a nap. #deadpool When Natasha helps him upright, he can see her swaying, and grins. Clint remembers reading Tony's file, and how much of it had culminated in Howard Stark and Tony's father issues. left kudos on this work! And no.. Hmmm, Tony says and pins Bruce with his science-stare. Alright, Tony said, because of course he would take charge of anything alcohol related, everyone have a drink? So we going for it, then? Clint asks, feeling way too hopeful. Puts his hand on Tony's naked hip. Tony sighs and burrows deeper into Clint's skin. They're just as tall, but Clint has sobriety on his side. Worst idea ever, woke up on the ceiling with no memory of how I got there or how I was covered in glitter," I say and everyone nods. Not that drunk, Farton, Tony says, and promptly doubles over laughing at his own tasteless joke. To Peter's utter horror, Michelle agreed with a grin, and soon the other members were completely for it, saying "Yaaas!" Tony, Steve, Bucky, Nat, Clint, and Bruce took a shot. That's the great thing about being two guys who like to have sex a lot: they get to, well, have sex a lot. Clint blinks at the guy, who looks completely serious and still sour. "Never ever have I accidentally bent metal," Rohdey says and I laugh and take a gulp along with . Clint's watching Cupcake Wars in the living room which is otherwise deserted, for once when Tony saunters in and flops miserably down onto the couch next to him. Morning.. "You know what this line of work is like dad, and it was only one time," I say and the rest of the team nods as we did it together and then sworn not. "Mr. Stark this is Michelle Jones. You mentioned that.. Then I limped home" Peter explained. He's toppy as hell, no matter if he's giving or receiving, but he's adamant that Clint get as many orgasms as himself, and he's really good with some of the triggers Clint has. Score one for Stark!. It's a skill. "Is that true, referee M Jee?" I never needed to know this much about my proteges sex life. Say Yes to the Dress is on in the background and he follows it with one eye. She grins back, not entirely unprotected, but close. Clint rolls his eyes and tugs Tony's shirt off. Awesome, I'll go tell Cap, Tony says and bounces out of there, excitement humming through his whole body. 's been an awes'me night. He grimaces. This will probably be a few chapters or series. Thor's a beast in the sack.. (Blame his spider-side). Wait, doesn't that defeat the purpose? Steve asks. Clint curses softly once he's gone and picks his bow back up. Lifted Mjlnir" Wanda said. Okay. "Never have I ever been electrocuted," Danny says and everyone but Aunt May, T'challa, and he take a drink. She waved at them. This is going to be so awesome, you guys, he babbles, and don't worry because I totally wasn't going for shawarma this time, I mean I really like it, and I know Thor and Steve do, but Barton, you've got that thing that you get because of Agent and I get it, so we'll just get some pizza or something wait, how do you feel about Greek? You expect me to do all the work?. Edward had many regrets in life, ones that he probably would never get to remediate forbecause death made a sudden but wild appearance in his life, or so he thought, at least. I am wounded that you would think something that awful of me, Agent Romanoff. It means the chances that I'll ever get in bed with you are depressingly low. He takes a sulking swig of his bottle, and Steve looks adorably confused. His arm comes down to trail across his chest instead. Better known as MJ. Never have I ever been in more than a hundred countries. He takes a sip of Bailey's, and Clint, Natasha and Tony follow his lead. No, I'm- Steve breaks off, brows furrowing. Paxton dealing with the break-up in season 3. I'm not great at relationships, Clint, Tony murmurs when they pull back for air. Wade had taught him beforehand how to shoot and it was just so easy for him, like second nature "No big deal.". Once Clint is in bed, Tony makes a quiet, questioning noise and actually rolls over to plant his face firmly in the crook of Clint's neck. Yes, Tony, Bruce says in his indulgent and slightly patronising tone, and Clint has another giggle-fit into Nat's shoulder. This was a request from@imwithtonyandnatasha, I had a lot of fun writing it and really I hope it doesn't look like I rushed the ending. Never have I ever Bucky started, stolen a friends clothes and lied about it so I could keep it.. Never have I ever filmed myself or had someone else film me having sex, Rhodey said looking directly at Tony. Nope, Clint says. He's half-sleeping on Clint now, half beside him, and Clint doesn't bother to push him off. Tony grinds down against him, and Clint's hands settle on his hips on their own accord. Would he say yes or no? You really were serious when you labeled Clint an affectionate drunk, weren't you? Bruce says to Natasha, and Clint giggles. There certainly wasn't a lot of it in the circus; only a couple of times with Barney and the older kids, mostly just as a ploy for Clint's brother to get laid. I smell a demi, Brucie. "We will be going clockwiseand I'm pretty sure you know the rest," Danny says and everyone nods. Lindsay's bitching at her sister already and they're only in the preliminary round; she's going down. Parker, you're in charge. Tony hasn't said anything while Natasha and Clint are doing what the rest of the team calls 'that mind-melding thing', but he looks twitchy and excited at Natasha's glare. Demisexuals only feel sexual attraction to people they have a strong emotional connection to. "Are you sure there's nothing you'd like to say Petey?" Would make sense., Huh? Steve looks between them. Huh. I say putting my hands in the air defensive. Ever wondered what the Avengers or the characters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be as yanderes? Thats messed up man. Sam shook his head. Ben is reminiscing on his (failed) relationship with Devi. Stopping now., Clint doesn't know if Tony means that he'll stop talking or stop running, but the guy trails off, so Clint gets a part-answer. A small part of his mind had noticed how neither Sally nor MJ had put down their fingers. Secondly, I really don't want to bed Natasha. He glances over at her, and she looks calmly back. Every agent of HYDRA is acquainted with pain of some sort. In these Au's Loki is an avenger because I like that idea and him dying isn't an option whatsoever. Yeah, that would that would be great, doc, Steve says with a relieved smile. Yeah, let's not, Clint murmurs back and doesn't miss the way Tony's smile widens. Why dont we start with the youngest and move clockwise in a circle? Bad luck more than anything. And strangest and probably best of all, no halting 'look, I think you should go back to your own room if you're just going to sleep'. We have to hurry or Mr. Stark will be mad at you for being late again." Tony smirked, leaning forward in his seat and looking down at a blushing Peter. They were all gathered in the communal room to relax. Pepper would know what to do. Sleep. Clint buries his head in the heavenly pillow again. "I will get the bells. Never have I ever gone to a sex club, Clint said blandly. I'm training her." He was never robbed, but the other he had dealt his fair share with them, just never as the victim. I broke like 4 ribs, my ankle, my hand and my foot. Then again, Tony is equipped with a curiosity almost as big as his ego, and although people like Thor love boasting about their life and their past battles, Clint knows it's killing Tony to know so little about Natasha and Clint's pasts. Now he had had three shots, like the rest of the team. He was excited to be able to drink legally and stuff it he was more excited to celebrate with the Avengers. Maybe this game was fun after all. Pepper would tell you to run in the other direction and the thing is, the thing is, Barton Clint that I don't want you to. He blinks owlishly at Clint and sways a little. Never Have I Ever Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction All of the original Avengers and Loki are holed up with no electricity, and get very bored. Are we dating? It's cheesy as hell, but it's been over two weeks since they last had sex without some kind of other mushy activity attached to it, and as much as they agreed about the no-strings arrangement, Clint can't help but realize that he's got quite a few strings attached to this crazy bastard by now. Clint quashes that voice so hard it groans in metaphorical pain and leaves him alone. Ben and Devi, the morning after their first boink. It's Tony's turn so he said "never have I ever been drunk" Taking a shot. Yes, Tony says with a put-upon sigh. Yeah, oh, Tony snipes. No. set in senior year, following canon season 3 (and assuming that ben and devi get together after it.). Or why Clint knows about shipping. There's only really been Bucky that I wanted to with. Okay, I suggest we go clock-wise with people asking questions, and I suggest that I start, since seriously, you guys. "Occasionally my webs will run out and it's not like cops are best at keeping their guns on their belts," He shrugged, pulling his legs up to his chest and smiling at the memory. "Eh, you were in Florida," I say brushing it off. 'f I were, y'd be dead. It's after one of Clint's undercover missions, three days of playing nice and hiding in plain sight before he could get where he needed and take out the people he should. Requests open again! Don't wait up. He leaves, and Clint looks after him, telling himself firmly that he does not feel rejected. Pep-perrr. And he fumbles his phone out of his pockets to squint at the screen. Lucky for him, in the two minutes it took MJ to return with a bag of the metal things, there had only been a great deal of laughter he had to deal with. When you're ready, when you're sure, and when there's nobody else in the middle. "Moving on," Steve cleared his throat and shifted in his seat "Never have I ever been kicked out of a bar." Or out of the bedroom. He hadn't expected Peter to take another drink, however, in fact no one had. Tony actually fucking whoops, a fist in the air and everything. So he kisses her because she's beautiful, and awesome, and cool, and also pretty. She has a huge crush on a boy named Peter and hopes he likes her back, shes gets bullied by Liz who keeps it suttle so she doesnt get yelled at. So if you don't mind?, It takes a couple of seconds before Clint gets the implications so get the hell outta my room and when he does, he whines. Which was true, it was a terrible smell, especially for his enhanced nose, he could still smell the lingering alcohol on someone a day after they had drank anything. So when I was first turned immortal, this guy name Francis locked me in this thing so I set it on fire. But the two of them don't bother replying, too busy ripping each other apart. I knew there's no way your spangly ass hadn't gotten some action. "Never have I ever gotten drunk," Uncle Steve says and everyone takes a drink. Avenger's imagines and preferences! Title from Eres t by Carla Morrison of course. Damn, I was so sure, Tony says and taps his finger against his chin. Tony, it's three in the morning. I noticed how 'romantic' and 'sexual' are clearly being two separate words here, Tony says, sounding delighted. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker & Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Michelle and Peter are both obnoxious to their Feelings. When they can't sleep. "Never have I ever been awake for longer than 48 hours," Rohdey says and everyone but Aunt May takes a drink. Tony, Peter, Natasha, Clint, and Bucky all drank. Move along, Rhodey continued to scowl, glaring murderously at Tony. Peter didn't go to Manhattan very often-usually only to visit the Avengers Tower whenever he received an invitation, which wasn't often. Wait.. 332 guests He didn't want to think about it. "Never ever have I gotten a speeding ticket," Luke says and every adult including Ava takes a drink. On really slow nights, when they're bored. It's early enough in the morning that he can do that without a retaliatory punch. You could have just asked. And then he pointedly raises his second rum bottle and drinks. Anyways, guys, MJ. Like any of them would. You felt someone grab your hand gently. I'm not, Tony says sourly, still massaging the shoulder Clint nearly ripped out of its socket. But you can say something you have done like, 'never have I ever eaten a cheeseburger' it just means that you have to drink, like everyone else who has done that particular thing.. Devi eyes one of the sculptures in the garden theyd agreed to meet in, of three people leaning their heads in towards each other until they sort of meld together. It tickles. Happy New Year Paxton, she whispered.Happy New Year Devi, he murmured back before drawing her in again. Enjoy! Peter had assumed it was some little science project that was supposed to improve his web-shooter fluid or something, but Mr. Stark had sent him an address in lower Manhattan with instructions to come in his suit. #wanda Sent on a mission by Ronin with her sister, and her life changes from there. Damn. It's my choice whether to tell the details or not.. I don't know which one you want.. It's a little cute and a lot sad, and Clint sighs when he realizes that he's going to accept Tony's invitation. Other than someone on the team.. Tony snorts. So why can't he get Eleanor's words from the winter dance out of his head? So when Stark Industries called her, desperate for a housekeeper, there was no way in heaven she was gonna refuse. You foreseeing a lot of fighting in the future, then? Clint says and raises an eyebrow at him. Steve flinches and opens his mouth to presumably apologize or some bullshit, but Clint's already on his feet and stumbling over (whoa, yeah, this whiskey's kicking nicely) before half-falling onto the Captain.

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