maryland board of nursing reporting requirements

(iii)Following the period of orientation,[the person responsible for the orientation program and the person in charge of the service shall]indicatethesatisfactory completion of the orientation program of the employee. 410-402-8015 Toll Free 877-402-8218 TTY 800-735-2258 . (c) Following any changes in the initial registration of the four representatives, a nursing home shall update the information within 5 business days of the change. (42) Nurse means a licensed practical nurse or registered nurse licensed in the State as defined in Health Occupations Article, 8-101, Annotated Code of Maryland. Alternative means to provide drinking water to residents, staff, and the general public may be used as approved by the Department. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. [(3)](4)Aisle space between working areas shall be at least 3 feet[;], andaisle space formain traffic shall be at least 5 feetwide. O. This program shall consist of: (a) An explanation of organizational structure, policies, and procedures; (b) Discussion of the philosophy of care; (c) Description of the resident population; and. (2) The nursing home shall maintain and dispose of a clients medical records in accordance with Health-General Article, Title 4, Subtitles 3 and 4, Annotated Code of Maryland. In all instances sufficient consultation shall be provided to fulfill all required responsibilities. (3) To the degree possible, accompanying physicians when visitingresidents. (d) Any other relevant parameters affecting or reflecting the residents physical and mental status. CCNE 2014 Self Study Report. Provision for Dental Care. Yes and no. If the employee formerly worked in a]; (5) Pastnursing home[, consideration shall be given to the record as it relates to]employment documentation, including any past instances ofabuse of[patients]residents, theft, and fires[. If a body holding room is not provided, a holding area shall be designated that approximates the above conditions. [C. Lobby Area. (i) Shall be at least 30 square feet per bed, not including corridors; (ii) May not include toilet rooms in the 30 square feet per bed; and. (ii) Office space shall be at least 110 square feet for one therapist, or 85 square feet per therapist if there are two or more. Temperature. Copyright Waivers may be granted under Regulation[.02F].03Fof this chapter. The audible signal may not be turned off at the nursing station. (d) Privileges at a hospital in this state, participant in an HMO network, or credentialed by a credentialing organization approved by the Department. A. (3) Qualifications of social worker. If the employee refuses to be immunized, the[facility]nursing homeshall document the refusal and the reason for the refusal. As described in the chart below, health care providers must make these reports in specific oral and written forms, however, any person, is also required to make either an oral or written report of suspected child abuse. (b) Food Preparation Areas and Laundries. The nursing home shall meet the requirements for handling, treatment, and disposal of special medical wastes as provided in COMAR 10.06.06. (4) Medicine may not be returned to the container. (1)Medical records shall be retained for a period of[not less than]at least5 years from the date of discharge or, in the case of a minor, 3 years after the[patient]residentbecomes of age or 5 years, whichever is longer. (32) Licensed graduate social worker (LGSW) means an individual authorized to practice graduate social work under Health Occupations Article, Title 19, Annotated Code of Maryland. Apply the definitions in the regulations. Comments will be accepted throughMarch 18, 2019. (b) The witnesses shall document the disposal in the residents chart. New construction providing a conventional type food service program shall have the following minimal space requirements (excluding bulk food-storage areas, dining areas, and separate floor pantries). Unless otherwise indicated, all general requirements apply to both new construction and an existing nursing home. Patients may not be kept behind locked doors, that is, doors which patients cannot open. (1) Social data about personal and family background to provide understanding of the, (2) Information regarding current personal and family circumstances and attitudes as they relate to, (2) Recommendations made by the social work consultant, if applicable, (1) Space for social work personnel, accessible to, D. Restrictions on Participation Documented on Chart. (48) Occupational therapy assistant means an individual who is currentlylicensedby theStateBoard of Occupational Therapy Practice as an occupational therapy assistant. ], (1) The administrator shall plan anongoing educational program[shall be planned and conducted for the development and improvement of]to develop and improve theskills of all the[facilitys]nursing homespersonnel, including training related to problems and needs of the aged, ill, and disabled. Through the College of Computing, students can earn their Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering. The heating system shall be: (1) Capable of maintaining 75F or 24C throughout the residents section of the building with the outside temperature as prescribed in the Guidelines for Design and Construction of Residential Health, Care, and Support Facilities; and. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. [(f)](g)Protection from Freezing. (a) Stored in water-tight containers with tight-fitting covers; and. surveillance; [(18)](17)Housekeeping services, pest control, and laundry[. Open at all Times for Inspection. Ch. (11) A training program shall provide at least 16 hours of training prior to a trainees direct assignment to resident care. The[facility]nursing homeshall complete all assessments in accordance with the provisions of 42 CFR[]483.20[and 413.343],as amended. Advisory Dentist. A utilization review plan should be developed with the advice of the professional personnel responsible for the establishment and enforcement of patient care policies. Police Officer. [(f)](g)[Sufficient]A nursing care unit shall have sufficientspace and equipment for medical records[which enables]so thatpersonnel[to]canfunction[in an effective manner]effectivelyand[to]maintaineasily accessiblerecords on all[patientsso they are easily accessible]residents. . (c)It is recommended that 2 square feetper[patient]residentbe provided and that thedry food storagearea be located within easy access to the receiving area and the kitchen. Position Specifications: (must meet requirements for employment) Education: . (c) Thefollowing floor areas may not be included in the calculation of floor space: (iii) The floor area occupied by wardrobes, bureaus, or lockers, when permanently installed as part of walls or ceilings and as a permanent component of a bedroom; (iv)HVAC equipment, including any steam, water, or electrical supply or return linesthatmay run parallel to the floor or interrupt the floor surface; (v) Supportcolumns, pipe chases, or otherstructures, whether free-standing or as an integral part of a wall; and. [C.]A. (9) Properly refer residents to specialty services and providers when the care needs of the resident exceed the scope of the attendingphysicians knowledge and skill. A nursing home shall be protected throughout the entire building by an automatic fire extinguishing system. (2) The nursing home shall destroy adulterated, deteriorated, or outdated medications in the following manner: (a) Disposal shall occur in the presence of two witnesses who are authorized by the nursing home; and. (b) Tuberculosis in a communicable form does not include: (i) When the individual who has presumptive or confirmed active disease, has had three negative AFB smears, collected 824 hours apart, shows clinical improvement, and has received chemotherapy to which the strain is susceptible for at least 14 days; or. [B. (2)Policies shall provide for the coordination of rehabilitative services and the rehabilitative aspects of nursing. Director of Nursing. Information reported to the immediately give the required information to the institution head/designee. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. D. Excessive Absenteeism of Administrator. certain fraudulent activities and protect (2)A visible signal in the corridor above the corridor door of eachpatientsbedroom, visible from all parts of the corridor. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Unless otherwiseindicated, all generalrequirementsapply to both new construction and anexisting nursing home unless a waiver has been granted by the Office of Health Care Qualityin accordance with Regulation .03G of this chapter. The additional cost to hire or contract with a licensed social worker is estimated to be $11,000 annually. (3) If a controlled dangerous substance is destroyed on the nursing home premises in accordance withF(2) of this regulation: (a) A record of the disposal, in addition to any other required records, shall be maintained in the nursing home; and. A. Currently there is an estimated $11,000 salary differential between the salary of a non-licensed employee performing social work services and a licensed social work employee. Responsibility to Report CarethatIs Considered Questionable. For brevity's sake in these FAQs, the Board will use the term "hospital" to indicate the entity that is required to report. The following procedures are to be used when admitting an individual with a communicable disease into a nursing facility: (1) A facility may not deny admissions to, or involuntarily discharge, an individual solely because the individual has a communicable disease; (2) Any facility that intends to accept an individual with a communicable disease shall notify the Department before admitting the individual; and, (3) The Secretary or a designee of the Secretary may prohibit a facility from accepting an individual with a communicable disease if it is determined that admitting the individual with a communicable disease could pose a risk to the health, safety, or welfare of any other resident or individual associated with the facility.]. The information is fluid and evolving. G. Reevaluation of[Patients]ResidentsProgress. [.07].09Administration and Resident Care. (3) The[facility]nursing homeshall prohibit employees with[a communicable]an infectiousdisease or with infected skin lesions fromhavingdirect contact with residents or their food if direct contact could transmit the disease. (h) The cost of care and any additional fees. friendly and courteous, timely and E. The social work industry and trade groups would benefit due to the increase in hiring and contracting with licensed social workers. Public toilets for both sexes shall be located conveniently to this area. The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses. Although this reporting requirement might not appear at first glance to require reporting by investigators, Maryland regulations contemplate that research HIV testing is covered: COMAR, the compilation of State regulation, contains a research exception for truly anonymous HIV testing performed under an IRB-approved protocol, as well as a detailed procedure for seeking a research exemption to reporting from the Director of AIDs Administration. A. (1) If the supervisor is not alicensed registereddietitian, the individual shall receive regularly scheduled consultation from alicensedregistered dietitian or other qualified person. responsive, accurate and consistent, Exceptions may be made in part at the discretion of the Department for an individual facility only when the facility can demonstrate compliance with the intent of this section by showing an effective patient call system to provide quality patient care. For general inquiries (Safe Practice Program): In the case of naturopathic doctors, please consult the regulations at, Medical Cannabis Certifying Provider FAQs for PAs & Physicians. [(2)](4)The Department shall consider the following factors when[considering]decidingwhether to approve an administrator to serve on a less than full-time basis: (a)[Geographical]Geographiclocation of the facilities; (1)In the absence of the administrator, the[facility]nursing homeat all times shall be under the direct and personal supervision of an experienced, trained, competent employee. (12) The committee shall document its actions and recommendations. Persons other than licensed health care providers may report suspected abuse or neglect of a vulnerable adult. Yes. Simple background check maryland board of nursing. [(5)](6)Pest Control. Baltimore, Maryland 21202 When the designee is replaced, the Department shall be notified of the name of the registered nurse filling the vacancy. (2) Minimum Space RequirementsNew Construction. The facilitys admission policy shall include a statement as to whether or not medical assistance patients will be admitted and if admitted, under what circumstances.]. Disciplines shall record all assessments on a form approved by the Department. B. gaussian elimination row echelon form calculator. A bodyholdingroom shall be located to facilitate quiet and unobtrusive ingress and egress of bodies, convenient to the elevator and with an isolated exit. (1) A nursing homeshallhavesufficient lighting at night inthe followingareas: (c) Designated toiletsof the nursing home for the safety of theresidentwhogetsup during the night. The Maryland General Assemblys Office (25) Grant means the award of money to an individual or an organization to: (a) Study an aspect for the geriatric population; or. C.Discrimination Prohibited. (68) Restraint means any physical or chemical restraint as defined in thischapter. (c) The nursing home shall provide heated toilet rooms adjacent to the common areas of refuge. No caregiver-patient relationship is necessary to trigger the reporting obligation. Responsibility for the Residents Care. All rights reserved. customers, and stakeholders with (b)[Be]Make the requestfor a term not to exceed 30 days. [E.]F.JanitorsCloset or Service Area. Licensed[comprehensive care facilities and extended care facilities]nursing homesand any premises[proposed]that an applicant for a license proposes to[be operated by an applicant for a license]operate shall be open at all times to inspection by the Secretary and by any agency designated by the Secretary. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. COMAR regulations are Maryland State agency regulations, which are referenced by Title numbers (currently 1-36). (1) A pharmaceutical services committee, or its equivalent, shall develop written policies and procedures for safe and effective drug therapy, distribution, control, and use. (1) There shall be at least one separate room or compartment with a bathtub, shower, or other bathing device, as approved by the Department, for every 15 licensed beds. (4)Authorized prescriber has the meaning stated in Health Occupations Article, 12-101, Annotated Code of Maryland. B. Call systems shall be maintained in a manner that will provide visible and audible signal communication between nursing personnel andpatients. The[facility]nursing homeshall maintain adequate space and equipment, conveniently located, to provide for efficient processing[of medical records (],reviewing, indexing, filing, and prompt retrieval[)]of medical records. (ii)Those disciplineswho provided the service. (j) If applicable, lighting in toilet rooms of the common area of refuge. Comments will be accepted through, (b) Is a graduate of a certified dietetic technician program approved by the, (47) Occupational therapist means an individual who is currentlylicensed by the, (48) Occupational therapy assistant means an individual who is currentlylicensedby the, (1) The Secretary may issue a license to a, (d) If new construction is completed to the point of being able to provide all necessary services to its residents but certain substantial items of equipment, (1) An applicant desiring to open a comprehensive care facility or an extended care facility. Participation shall include: (1) Regularreports andattendance at[, and reporting to,]the[facilitys]nursing homesquality improvement committee meetings; and. There shall be sufficient floor space in the food service department to permit all activities to function efficiently without overcrowding. E. Objective. (b)The janitors closet shall be equipped for[handwashing]hand washing. American Song Book Lincoln Center, New York, NY Saturday, Feb 6, 2016 8:30 PM A Room of My Own June Havoc Theatre, New York, NY Friday, Feb 13-March 13, 2016. . Any individual (other than those listed above) who has reason to suspect elder abuse/neglect may file a report. Financial Help With My Gas and Electric Bill, How to Buy an Energy-Efficient Home Appliance, Search on a word or phrase, or enter the codification number, Access through Table of Contents Structure. (1)The physicians orders, the initial evaluations, the plan of rehabilitative care, goals, services rendered, evaluations of progress, and other pertinent information shall be[recorded]: (a) Recordedin the[patients]residentsmedical record[,];and[shall be dated], (i) Physicianordering the service;and[the person or persons]. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide an organization through which boards of nursing act and counsel together on matters of common interest and concern affecting the public health, safety and welfare, including the development of licensing examinations in nursing. Storage and Handling Requirements for . Otherwise, a dedicated enunciator connected to the wireless call system will be needed. Administrative procedures Act under State Government Article, State Documents Law under State-Government Article, This office manages and coordinates all aspects of the Department's internal policy process, The Department's policy program is under the authority of. [Facilities]A nursing homeshall provide: (1) Space for social work personnel, accessible to[patients]residents, medical, and other staff;and. 10.34.14 Opening and Closing of Pharmacies, Effective July 8, 2013. (a) A nursing care unit, regardless of size, including special care units, shall be equipped as described in this regulation. Updated printed copies of the Nurse Practice Act and Regulations can be purchased at the Division of State Documents in person, by internet, or by telephone. [It shall be the responsibility of the]. The nurse who is being treated for chronic . A. (g) Receives prompt and appropriate responses to requests for assistance. (b)The Department may specify the location and size of a nurses[station]work areawhich serves a nursing care unit exceeding 40 beds. [.21-4].37Infection Control Standard Precautions. (c) Maintenanceof an[optional]optimallevel of psychosocial functioning. If the medical records supervisor is not a qualified medical record practitioner, the Department may require that the supervisor receive consultation from aqualifiedperson[so qualified]. Patients may not be kept behind locked doors, that is, doors which patients cannot open. [The written social history]Within 7 days after admission, thesocial workershall[be initiated within 7 days after admission. A[facility]nursing homelicensed under[these regulations]this chaptermay not discriminate in admitting or providing care to an individual because of[the race, color, national origin, or physical or mental handicap]the individuals: (7) Mental disability[of the individual]. (iv)[Provision for storing and transporting clean linen in covered container.] (a) Beresponsible for the control of the operation on a 24-hour basis;and[shall serve]. Dayroom areas shall be provided. (2)A catered or satellite system shall be covered by a contractapproved by the Department. [There shall be at least 12 square feet perbed for 50 percent of the total licensed beds.]. Please see the Nurse Practice Act 8-505.Report of certain A utility sink shall be provided within reasonable distance from the food service department for its use, but it may be shared with other activities. (1) The infectionprevention andcontrol program shall establish written policies and procedures toidentify,investigate, control, and prevent infections in the[facility]nursing home,including policies and procedures to: (a) Identify[facility]health care-associated infections and communicable diseases in accordance with COMAR 10.06.01; (b) Report occurrences of certain[communicable]infectiousdiseases and outbreaks of[communicable]infectiousdiseases to the local health department ina timely manner inaccordance with COMAR 10.06.01 and Health-General Article, 18-202, Annotated Code of Maryland; (c) Institute appropriate[infectioncontrol steps]control measureswhen an infectionor outbreak of infectionsis suspected or identified in order to control infection and prevent spread to other residents; (d) Perform surveillancefor health care-associated and community-associated infectionsof residents and employees[atappropriate intervals]using definitions and methods approved by the infection prevention and control oversight committeeto monitor and investigate causes of infection,[facility-associated and community acquired,]andthe manner in which[it was]the infection isspread; (e) Train employees about infectionprevention andcontrol,[and hygiene]including: (i)[Hand]Standard precautions andhand hygiene; (ii) Respiratory[protection]hygiene and cough etiquette; (iv) Safe handling of needles and sharpsand safe injection techniques; (v) Special medical waste handling and disposal;[and]. customers, and stakeholders with (3)When the designee is replaced, the Department shall be notified of the name of the registered nurse filling the vacancy. It shall be the responsibility of the supervisor to delegate relief duties to[a person]an individualqualified to serve as relief[(See Supportive Personnel, Regulation .07, of this chapter.)] B. by telephone. JavaScript is required to use content on this page. If a comprehensive care facility is unable to effect a transfer agreement with a hospital in the community and can document its attempts to secure an agreement, the facility shall be considered to have such an agreement in effect. A member of the facilitys staff shall be assigned responsibility for social services. (iii) Clean linen anda clean, comfortable pillowshall be provided. [(3) The course instructor shall have overall supervisory responsibility for the operation of the program, and shall: (a) Be a registered nurse licensed in Maryland; (b) Have at least 2 years of nursing experience, at least 1 year of which shall have been in caring for the elderly or chronically ill in the past 5 years; and. (ii) One year of supervised social work experience in a health care setting working directly with individuals. (2) A nurse and a second staff member who is a nurse or an administrator may destroy controlled dangerous substances in Schedules IIVon the premises of the nursing home. Complete and mail Request for Validation of Registration to your licensing agency, Have scores sent to the Maryland Board of Nursing. The[facility]nursing homeshall ensure that each unit is sufficiently staffed with qualified personnel to provide appropriate treatmentand[special]meet thecare needs of the residents. Masks are required inside all of our care facilities. schedule, patient assignment, incident reports, termination notice, names and to provide constituents, businesses, [(7) Utility RoomsExistingFacility. OHCQ estimates that 172 nursing homes would need to hire or contract with a licensed social worker. C. Human remains shall be transported pursuant to COMAR 10.29.21. [A.] (b) The vendor or staff may provide the following services: (c) The nursing home shall ensure that all piped medical gas systems adhere to the following standards: (i) NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code; and. (b)Renovations of[existing]allkitchens shall be approved by the Department,which will consider modification of the minimum space requirement based on space available, costs,and type of service. However, once a facility elects to use these procedures or systems and a modification is granted, the systems may not be changed without prior approval of the Department. (b) The clean utility room shall contain: (i)[Wall and base cabinets with stain resistantcountertop; (ii)]A small sink[set into the counter, or with drainboards; sink shall be]equipped with gooseneck spout and wrist blades; (ii) Soap and individual paper towels in a dispenser; (iii) Adequate storage and work counter space for storage and assembly of supplies for nursing procedures;and. Applies to anyone: Any individual having knowledge of an animal bite shall report the bite to the health officer., Maryland Reporting Obligations that May Apply to Investigators or Other Members of the Research Team, Masks are required inside all of our care facilities, COVID-19 testing locations on, Office of Human Subjects Research - Institutional Review Board. A. The facility shall make information available to all employees concerning other conditions in which pneumococcal vaccine may be of benefit for certain other underlying medical conditions. ]; (4) Past employment[with]documentation[that]withreferences[have been considered by the facility. [(2)](b)All electrical equipment shall be calibrated according tothemanufacturers directions and shall be[periodically]servicedperiodicallyas part of a preventive maintenance program. G. Admissions Procedures for Patients With Communicable Diseases. This table below refers to the filter efficiencies for central ventilation and air conditioning systems in a nursing home other than chronic disease hospitals.

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