does god answer prayers about relationships

Staying alive and doing "this or that.". We need to realize that we are all walking disasters apart from grace, men and women who need God every step of every day. I wish the Christian life was cut-and-dry all the time, but it isnt, is it? God isnt silent. Remember, when it comes to relationships and marriage, God wants you to have a happy marriage with a person who truly loves you with Christ-like love that is selfless. Plus one less common way, which well leave for last. All rights reserved. But what I do know is that Jesus said in John 13:35-36, By this all men will know you are My disciples, if you love one another. Loving others means being there for them when they need someone and being able to provide comfort when they feel like life has stopped caring about them. The Lord instructed us to pray. Your email address will not be published. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "af255a178d360b4765cfcf9e203f26c6" );document.getElementById("fa8554229c").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. God is complete and I encourage you not to limit how and when He decides to move in your life. Help me, Am facing a deep situation where i love this girl i know from high school however we were jus best friends until she came to visit me one day n we were dancing n clowning around n taking silly pics, after that day i couldnt stop thinking about that all I knew everyone kept telling me why didnt i marry that girl even tho i wasnt seeing her in that light at first, to cut it short we started dating/courting because of these signs i saw as confirmation but i found out that her last name n my grandmothers last name is the same and after i approached her dad that am interested in his daughter he never let it go, he started digging doing background check till we found out that we were far distant cousins, however we almost called it quits until i went out with her n her friends then the next day he came into her room and attacked her saying y did she go out with me and that she is not welcomed to his house anymore n if we continue this he will pray that we get crippled(hes a pastor) n that he will pray a force field over the house that she cant enter, its been a hard time n s its a little frustrating cause her mom n even her brother is against me, shes uncomfortable visiting them nw, she even went to his church n he preached against her using the tamara n her brother story from the bible, am trying my best not to let go off her, i jus want the will of God to be done, its stressing because these people were kind to me before we found out this.not that its me alone they fighting but their own daughter as well saying they will pray we die etc.what puzzles me is that i think i was walking in Gods will with this person all this time n then i bucked up on this, but am jus trusting but am puzzled what exactly to do nw but am right her by her side.i was gonna cut her off once but a voice said y give up on this girl if she is willing to stand against her parents jus for u.need some advice but i prayed about it tho n lately a lot of girls popping up but i knew thats jus the enemy trying to take advantage of the confusion. Nothings wrong with trying to figure things out on your own sometimes. How can we do this practically? "I can't hear you." Sometimes the Lord can't hear us when we pray. Its a common occurrence in life, and it can be difficult to navigate what feels like an impossible situation. God does answer prayer. Are we in tune with God? 75 Christian Faith Quotes (To Strengthen You In The Lord. been relationship 3yrs we had our hardships god do answer prayer im in love with this guy i never loved no one like him im lost confuse we distance ourselves at times but the distance never been 4 to five days im prayer on behalf of my relationships because i just dont love him im in love with him he started to lie to me now im just praying for the lord to to fix this because i want him to be my husband one, Your email address will not be published. You only keep your fervent prayers going because you literally dont know what else to do. Know this truth: God will answer your prayer. 45 Christian Friendship Quotes For Choosing Godly Friends. Your email address will not be published. Glorify yourself through me. As Christians, we are called to love and care for one another. And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, Know the Lord, for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord (Jeremiah 31:3334). Like I did for way too long in my good-looking, toxic relationship. So when God chooses a different method of unfolding His plan, you completely miss it as an answer to your prayers. We would go to church together pray together. There are many reasons why He answers our prayers when we pray for help with a relationship. 13 Major Traits Of Genuine Faith [+ Wonderful Sermon]. Yes, God does answer prayers about relationships if they are in line with His will. Of course, He totally can if He wants to. Its a question Ive asked myself many times. I feel really old to start anything new, and build my new life from scratch, I fear I am never going to have children and find love again and I feel humiliated now I have to tell everyone that there is not going to be a weeding anymore I feel I didnt listen to God before and this is my punishmentI pray for love to win and I pray that God will forgive me for being so stubborn, I pray that He guides me into the place he wants me to be and the person He wants me to be with and although I am scared after reading this article I kind of feel better. Ditch the patronizing blog posts, OK? You can choose to have healthy, uplifting relationships. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact | T&C |. When asking or giving forgiveness. It is always possible.. Are ones prayers ineffective in fertilizing the existing relationship? Why all these verses from the Bible? The best person to work with us is not always a Christian. but its your words than kept me going. Hell open a door if its the way He wants you to go. No in the sense that He will not answer your prayer concerning your relationship if that relationship isnt right for you or in line with Gods will and purpose for your life which is more important than the relationship you are trying to make work. And if we know that he hears us -- whatever we ask -- we know that we have what we asked of him." 6 God answers our prayers according to his will (and according to his wisdom, his love for us, his holiness, etc.). Its so uplifting to give it to God then do what He says. Because he says he will in the first place, and then, even more, because these prayers sum up what God has promised to do through the gospel. This is the type of false impression of Gods ways that leads too many to their own imprisonment. When something happens to damage one of these areas, it takes prayer for relationship and putting faith into action by seeking to find the best person trained to work with us in that area of damage. We need to keep praying and have faith in our Father. About the ninth hour of the day he saw clearly in a vision an angel of God come in and say to him, Cornelius. And he stared at him in terror and said, What is it, Lord? And he said to him, Your prayers and your alms have ascended as a memorial before God. Related: 5 Surprising Reasons God Is Silent In Your Life. Asking God for patience and insight will help those who are waiting on a good partner do just this. Related:54 Godly Relationship Quotes To Prepare You For Marriage [+ Sermon]. Its a way to protect ourselves from being taken advantage of and allows us to live our lives how we want without feeling like someone else has to control over us. I pray he respects and loves me again. Whatever it is that you're praying for, whether a spouse, a house, a car, school, a job, whatever it is, it's not the prize. The posed Question? When things dont go as planned, the temptation is for us to blame someone else or something outside of ourselveseven when there may be a spiritual element involved that goes beyond what we know. I also feel that God is telling me I just made the right move! I am having a hard time. Its a constant battle between sadness and anger. Obedience to God is a natural by-product of discipleship. But He does it in four different ways. I shared with this man that God uses a variety of means and people to accomplish His will. Take a moment and ask God to reveal to you ways that you may have not seen where He is trying to lead you down a new and better path. 63 Godly Wisdom Quotes (That Will Make You Wiser Today. Where we trip up is assuming we know God's will, because a certain thing makes sense to us! Are our prayers being answered but we dont see or can tell? Jesus came so that He might glorify the Father. When prayer for relationship isnt being answered. These wounds can keep us stuck in our current situation because we are so busy holding onto the hurt. We all have free will and make our own decisions, but how do these decisions impact us? What are you doing in Heaven??. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a39e98fb133ae4fb084d723775b66edb" );document.getElementById("e869665134").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); 7 Reasons To Try Christian Online Dating. Every once in a while I come to my senses. So, If Im called to another (additional) alter, will I approach with Gifted FAITH? Hes not limited in any way. We have been in a long distance relationship. Seek God's will. Test your desire against Gods word. Did you enjoy this Relationship Advice post? Verse Concepts Then he will pray to God, and He will accept him, That he may see His face with joy, And He may restore His righteousness to man. What did God do about the man you prayed to love you, did you marry him. Is it possible God will give me something as i prayed and then take it away? 5 Practical Examples Of Truly Suffering For Christs Sake. You may be living a life that looks gorgeous from the outside but fits you like a cheap suit. The man drowned! This person could be a pastor or a trained counsellor. But the moment I heard Him, the rightness of His answer settled into my heart. Part 2, Internet Dating Addiction: Is the Internet your drug of choice? We all know we should pray more. Some people ask why God doesn't answer, or doesn't always answer, their prayers. What is the connection between prayer and fasting. I speak to God several times per day. The Bible says that marriage is intended to be between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:24), so if you are in a relationship that doesnt feel right, its probably because something is missing in that relationship. You need to understand that the most important relationship you can ever have here on earth is the one with God as only that relationship will never fail you and meet the greatest needs and desires of your heart that human relationships just cannot meet. Pray they can see the love you two have for each other and remember to be nice to your enemies. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows. However, you need to understand that God will only answer your prayer request concerning relationships if they align with His will and purpose for your life for your own good. 63 Salvation Quotes To Help You Become Truly Saved. Praying to God grows our faith. And when you pray in His will, He answers your prayers. This may be because youre struggling with depression (or something similar). But the concept has not changed. Whenever I renew this correct thought process I feel much better with no kvetching. 54 Godly Relationship Quotes For Purity [+ Sermon]. Although I too have heard stories of . With my ex boyfriend. Below is a great read for those looking for an answer to their prayers. ), 7 Dangers Of Sin To Help You Stop Sinning (+Video Sermon), 13 Characteristics Of A Sinner (That Gives Them Away. But now its been 9 days since she broke up with me citing my insecurities. Yes! Have a great day! Dont be afraid to ask him for anything, and dont hold back any burdens from him. Just because one is a Christian does not mean that they are automatically the best one trained in the area of our need. 45 When God Sends You The Right Person Quotes. Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me! The short answer is yes! 45 Everyone Sins Quotes [+ Animation On Why We Sin]. Seriously, I could have saved myself years of misery and agony if Id only known how to recognize the signs that God was answering my prayers. And you can set standards for yourself where you dont tolerate certain behaviors (without needing to be in conflict about it). God does answer prayers about relationships! A new desire like this can be a sign of God answering your prayers. I was right where youre at nowtoo often to count. 11 Clear Signs God Is Answering Your Prayers [For Sure], Does God Answer Prayers For Money All The Time? There was nothing in the post that suggested that were stupid nor ignorant. This means you need to get up close and personal with God. Still, here you are, drowning in your situation with no idea what to do next. Please leave your comment below. Please keep us posted! Does kindness have a cost? Why is my prayer for relationshipnot being answered? Which sucks if this is you because God doesnt work on anyones timetable except His. Every single one. We dont need to learn new contemplative methods, or build a prayer closet in the woods. Prayer is an important way for us to stay in touch with Him.. But lets start off right by laying the foundation youll need for recognizing signs that God is answering your prayers. Psalm 145:18 Verse Concepts While I strongly advocate discipline, prayer and accountability, there are some things that hinder our release to freedom and joy that we are not able to accomplish by ourselves. Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. And if we know that . I often have the thought that I was only out here to be tortured and punished for some reason. Thank you very much for opening my eyes and God keep blessing you. Simply because it came in a way you didnt expect. When you do, youll also receive weekly emails from me. I am so greatfull to come across this teachings.It lift me up so much please keep on doing the good work.May the good Lord bless us all. Youll meet a closed door if God doesnt want you to go that way. He had been talking to other women behind my back but blaming me for his actions the whole time. We can pray for healing so that we can move forward with our lives without being held back by fear or anger from the past; these things will only cause more harm than good if they are left unchecked. The gospel yells at us, You are weak and sinful, flawed, and needy but God is strong, gracious, and good and ready to answer. ), 11 Signs Of A Wicked Heart (Evil People Always Manifest. It takes time, and sometimes it takes the help of a good therapist to really process all that has happened in your life. U need help in prayer. Would we have fun together? The relationship is going to be undermined, and therefore the partnership in prayer will be threatened. If you are not led by the Holy Spirit in choosing the right mate for marriage, you will be led by the flesh and choose based on outward appearances and not the inward character of a person. Tonerin: A Potential New Treatment Option for High Blood Pressure? It is not so we get our own way! The five keys to answered prayer are: 1. Choosing the right partner requires the guidance of the Holy Spirit because there are so many people who pretend during courtship and only show their true colors when you say, I do, to them. For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. He answers all our prayers, but sometimes His answer is "no.". It can feel as if prayer isnt working, but it doesnt mean were doing anything wrong. Several years ago I was a lay counsellor in a church in California. Should we be upset with God for not answering our prayers? The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. A quote from Mother Teresa, Be kind whenever possible. But you have to be specific and ask for what you want. This pain is the worst but I am sure it will lead us to a joy we have never experience before. Who could possibly be surprised if, as I did, youve come to all sorts of wrong conclusions because of what seems like His lack of an answer? Dear Christina, I feel your pain :-( Please see some great advice from Dr. Jim with these blog posts: If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him (James 1:5). The Bible says that God wants us to be whole. Felt such a relief reading your blog. Related: How To Be Sure That Trusting Gods Timing Is The Right Choice. This is God's will of decree. Thankfully, God answers those questions for us in His Word. What this means to me is that our Spirit should continually be seeking the Spirit of God in everything we think and do. You are not the only one facing struggles or challenges. Why? God gives to us; we dont give to God. And he will answer us. It helps show us what direction to go in and how to make the best choices for ourselves. How do I get to communicate with you directly? As believers, we should learn that prayer can help shape your heart for nourishing interactions with others through the lens of loving one another as Jesus loves us. How does what we do now affect eternity? If we are in tune with God, then prayer is one of the fastest and most potent ways to change our circumstances. On the other hand, you may be ignoring Gods answer because Hes saying no and you dont want to accept it. But we do need to become better ask-ers. The answer is yes, God answers prayers about relationships. Required fields are marked *. Ive also found that relationships are the hardest job! God has been in the business for many years of calling people into the medical field, counselling, and other areas to be a healing vehicle of His love and power. But the fact is, God does answer prayer. The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Pray for Ziv in Particular as he is Jewish and Became atheist. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. God not only hears, but He is eager to respond. In the Bible, there's a book called Psalm. The FATHER knows best! First key to answered prayer: Ask God in prayer And peace washed over me like a wave of comfort. If youre in a no or not yet situation, you may find yourself muting God through sin or stubbornly seeking whats outside of His will for you. When we pray, it often seems like nothing changes because of the slow pace in which God works. The thing is, youve chosen these relationships for yourself; God didnt put you in them. God bless you. As for how youll know when Hes answered your prayer. A good deal of prayer is indistinguishable from barter. Really enjoyed reading it. The apostle Peter exhorts us, [Cast] all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you (1 Peter 5:7) all your anxieties, even your mundane and material ones. They are a real eye opener. I am in pain. My observation is that we tend to place God into a box that is named spiritual, and neglect to remember that He is the creator of ALL of us. You opened my eyes to alot of things. Most of the evidence is anecdotal and personal, however, and that bothers many who think of "evidence" only as that which is observable, measurable, and reproducible. Were not always right, and we make mistakes all the time. Im glad youre encouraged to start noticing signs of God answering your prayers again. . II. God is real and His power is indeed supernatural. In short, God will give the green light to go ahead with the relationship with a particular person if that person is Gods will for you as God wants the best for you with the person you intend to spend the rest of your life with. 5 Effective Ways To Keep Your Heart On Fire For God. What To Do When Prayers Are Not Answered As A Christian? Now, 17 years later I left, divorced him and have my children. There are times when this is not applicable, but most often it is. Having boundaries is one of the most important things in life. What God desires more than anything is a relationship with people. Before we dive into the signs, please know that God can answer your prayers however He wants. In 1 John 5:14-15, we read, "This is the confidence we have when approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us whatever we ask that we have what we asked of him." Matthew 21:22 tells us, "Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." Mark 11:24 is like it: "Whatever you ask for in prayer . Thanks alot for the teachings it lifted me up so much.May God almigty bless us all. I feel so worthless and unloveable most of the time. I one has Faith, If one is saved, THAT union was consummated by prayer. What does it mean to be kind? After this divorce I entered a new relationship and its been 7 years now and he will not commit to me. Once you understand this, you will be grateful further down the road when you meet the right person who was meant for you as to why your past relationship never worked out. I was raised to believe and know God as my Lord and Savior. Finally, remember that God always answers our prayers. It feels like there is always someone who needs something from you, and you never think about what they need. However, it can be difficult when you are single and waiting for the right person to come into your life. The reason why this can be difficult sometimes is that we live in a society where everyone wants what they want now. Some teach that all one has to do is just get their spiritual life strong enough and pray enough and God will answer and take care of everything. Why is my prayer for relationship not being answered? Giving everyone everything they want would not be the right thing for us and not the right thing for a righteous God to do! We all want to be happy, and were willing to do anything for it. A desire where praise, promotions, and money dont motivate you anymore. However in John 16 Jesus states that what we ask for must be in Christs name before the Father will give it to us. Grace is defined as a divine influence on human affairs that enables people to do things they could not otherwise do.. I still love him and before he asked me to leave, for no reason but he was stressed out with the weeding and our future together, I was praying for the fighting to stop. I also spend a lot of time kvetching about if Im saved or is But since a month ago. Vim in meis verterem menandri, ea iuvaret delectus verterem qui, nec ad ferri corpora. If not, we have reason to question whether our faith is real. Oh, and that were too dumb to see where He has answered our prayers, etc. I have been in an 8 year long relationship, we got engaged this summer and somehow we have been fighting about nothing and everything, and we separated a few weeks ago, he ask me to leaveI feel devastated. Boundaries are something that should be set with everyone, not just family members or friends. ), 45 Lukewarm Christian Quotes(+Sermon On Lukewarmness), 63 Christian Love Quotes (To Help You See Love Differently), 54 Christian Couple Quotes (To Strengthen Your Union.). The police helicopter came by and lowered a rope. Hi Kris He told me He had a voice telling him am not the one. Drowning in misery while telling yourself to suck it up and just be happy. God wants us to be happy in any relationship were in. Are we really paying attention when He is telling us to stay inthe relationship we are in, orwhen He tells us we should break up (even if we think the relationship has potential)? Youre very welcome Theres lots more right here on the blog. If you are, remind yourself of how His plans compare to yours. Ask him to do what he has already promised to do for you. This presumes that your readers are too stupid to take obvious hints from God. If they dont line up, the desire is from you, not from God. Relationships and love are very crucial in our lives. Or He may give you a vision or dream in answer to your request. If they dont and you find yourself wondering which way to go, remember this rule of thumb: Gods word always beats opposing wise human counsel. The Vanity Of Life Meaning & What This Dear Life Is About. When God answers "yes" to our prayers. Psalm 66:20 (ESV) So what could be the reasons why God seems deaf to your earnest prayers? In both of these texts, the will of God refers to God's control over all that happens: "All things.". But how do you know for sure when God is answering your prayers? Dr. Jim Did you enjoy this Relationship Advice post? Thank you for sharing. The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14). I counted on you and told others you would save me! God looked at the man with a puzzled look and said while shaking His head I dont know? Always. One reason is that God wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him first before we can have any relationship with any humans. God answered your prayer , Your email address will not be published. Why does God not seem to answer our prayers? However, you need to understand as Isaiah 55:8,9 tells us that Gods thoughts are not our thoughts nor are our ways His ways which are higher than ours. This has been a blessing to me. kill them with kindness, be mature and try to explain how much you love and respect their daughter. I have found at least six basic prayers God will always answer. Bear in mind that only God knows the true nature of the heart of every person and unlike you who can easily be blinded by outward appearances, God sees the true nature of the heart of that person you want to marry or spend your life with. Prayer has the power to change lives. Thats why you need to pray that God would give you a relationship with someone who is perfect for you! There are many verses in scripture that talk about how God heals broken hearts and gives new hope to those who have been hurt by others. summer | 4.2K views, 92 likes, 102 loves, 53 comments, 67 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Ramp: His presence is here, worship with us at Summer. Pauls words in 1Thessalonians 5:17 states that we are to pray continually. God often chooses a different path than the one that we are currently focusing upon.. Thank you so much sister for your encourage .I was really touched and pray God to give you more to share with us. Or do we pray for relationship, for closeness; to elevate our spirits and raise our hearts? But I read all those scriptures He showed me and completely missed His answer. Thank you very much really helped me alot..your words gave me hope..its not like I never had hope..the thing is I was just starting to loose itI am the girl with big dreams..but everything seemed very impossible but after I had read these means that this is not my time and I have to be patient..i am not a patient person but now I will have to pray to be patient and to live in my dreams until my dreams live in me.In short words thank you alot mam. ), 54 Strong Faith In God Quotes (That Will Motivate You. The question is, do you want to be healed? Does prayer for a relationship work? When he got into Heaven, he rushed over to God and said Father, what happened? How do I know if God wants me to be with someone? I have been praying daily for her return. Required fields are marked *. Still crying out to God for helpfor rescuebecause nothing else is working. Most people are frustrated with their relationships because they dont understand Gods will concerning relationships nor do they consult God as to whether the relationship they want to be in with a particular person is right for them.

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